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<feature request: choose different fonts for summary and details>

Registered User
2024-04-01 13:12:49

The summary + details extension came out right after I did some custom HTML to get the same effect. My custom HTML makes it possible to have a different font for the summary from the details, but it's not easy to work with on the regular. If that extension also allowed someone to choose a font/colour/size for the summary, and then a different set of settings for the details, it would be utter perfection!

2024-04-02 09:17:27

Not sure if I understand, but that extension supports different fonts for both. Click on the summary text and select a font. Mark a text in the details section and select a different font.

Registered User
2024-04-21 14:58:19

You're correct, I CAN change the font and colour - I didn't think to just highlight the details and make it different. Thanks!

Having said that, when I do click on the expand icon in the summary, the details appear OVER the summary text, not just below it.

Also - I have the summary+details with a solid border 100% width and auto height, but expanding the text results in the summary printing below the box and the box doesn't expand to contain the text the way it does with my own HTML version.

Finally - how can I do padding with summary+details so that they are nicely formatted inside of the borders I create?

I really like the idea that I can use your summary + details for my page, as my own HTML version doesn't let me see my content within RocketCake without examining the HTML - so I'm happy to work together to cipher this out. Thanks!

2024-04-22 09:22:26

Having said that, when I do click on the expand icon in the summary, the details appear OVER the summary text, not just below it.

That's really strange - are you using some custom css which maybe causes this?

As for the other features - yes the component can probably be extended a bit with more options like that in the future.
But you can also do this yourself if you like - it's not that difficult: The component is just a text file whith some commands writing out the HTML and CSS code. You can adjust it easily yourself.

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Possible Codes

Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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