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forum topic indicator .FBX imports with broken bones and missing textures
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Registered User
2024-03-31 05:41:49

I don't mind missing textures. That can be fixed on coppercube itself...but yeah, this looks ugly. Funny how another .fbx imported with zero problems.

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2024-03-31 05:53:04

it seems like you are using multiple objects in your animation files, that is why you are having this weird issue, fbx animated models need be one single model joined in 1, please make sure that you are not using individual models in your fbx animation.

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Registered User
2024-03-31 18:03:05

it seems like you are using multiple objects in your animation files, that is why you are having this weird issue, fbx animated models need be one single model joined in 1, please make sure that you are not using individual models in your fbx animation.

tried that but all it did was "change the positions". bones are still broken, but now on different places

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2024-03-31 18:51:38


Send me one of the models that is broken in CC, and I will try and fix the import. That way I can explain what I did to you more easily. You can use this site to share the file:

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Registered User
2024-03-31 19:45:00

Guest wrote:

Send me one of the models that is broken in CC, and I will try and fix the import. That way I can explain what I did to you more easily. You can use this site to share the file:

Here you go. I used mediafire if you dont mind lol

and thanks for the help :3

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2024-04-01 05:25:50

It seems the issue was the windows. I went into edit mode and selected all the windows and separated them. One annoying thing was the word ambulance on the side was backwards when I imported it into CC. I tried flipping the model inside out in Blender a few different ways, flipping the normals, etc... But all that did was screw up the animations. I finally just opened the texture in Gimp and flipped part of the texture. I saved it as a PNG. Doing this reminded me why I hate Blender. emoji icon_grin

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Registered User
2024-04-03 17:52:43

Guest wrote:
It seems the issue was the windows. I went into edit mode and selected all the windows and separated them. One annoying thing was the word ambulance on the side was backwards when I imported it into CC. I tried flipping the model inside out in Blender a few different ways, flipping the normals, etc... But all that did was screw up the animations. I finally just opened the texture in Gimp and flipped part of the texture. I saved it as a PNG. Doing this reminded me why I hate Blender. emoji icon_grin

just the windows???
for me it was doors, wheels, windows, etc. weird
well, your model worked so i guess it was something on my part (blender version maybe? i use 3.6 due to SFM)

oh well, thanks for the help <3

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