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Hi, I have a problem that drives me crazy. I've assigned "when cursor moved over do something" on an object, it works great. But when the cursor is moved over the object and there is for an example a wall between - it still works. But I need the function to not work if there's objects, walls, etc. between the object and the camera. Any ideas? Thank you! |
You can use DISTANCE script.. You can use RAY_HIT script Depends on your needs DISTANCE script might be good enaught so no need to do ray check. if you need to do rayCheck then Distance script must be included .. you dont want to shoot rayCheck over the map unneeded -if you have large map and many objects that are possible to be mouse_over. Logic behind: IF mouse over THEN DO check distance: IF distance small enaught THEN DO raycheck if needed: DO mouse over action: ENDIF ENDIF |
@denko if you are a non coder checking for blocking walls plus assigning actions (e.g. cursor over object) to both cases also easily possible with this: |
or you can just turn on the option No action when occluded in the mouse hover behavior. |
Guest wrote: or you can just turn on the option No action when occluded in the mouse hover behavior. For me -On mouse over it seems to not work.. works fine with on klick. |
Hi again, I'm going crazy.. I can't figure it out. I have objects that get's highlighted and text appears when the camera/cursor is over the object, and it works perfectly. BUT I really can't make so it DON'T happen when walls/doors and such is in the way between the camera and the object - the text still appears and so.. Thanks! |
Wow, the camera's target was way off so it made everything not working properly... |