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forum topic indicator Animation Problem
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Registered User
2023-11-26 22:13:10

Howsit guys

I am having an issue with one of my animated characters, as soon as he attacks, the animation just freezes there, i have tried with the defaults soldiers from coppercube, and they seem to work fine, i have also tried adjusting the animations on my model, but the same result, he patrols and idles fine, but after attacking or taking a hit, he just freezes at the animation end, i have set looping on and off and set restart behaviors aswell


he also seems unable to shoot, i can get the standard coppercube soldiers to shoot each other, but my model does do the shoot action aswell??

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Registered User
2023-11-28 06:43:02

This got me thinking, instead of using cc built in AI system, is it possible to make the 3d model behave more like a sprite?

They are a bit easier to control, and seeing as i can't really do programming to get the model to rotate in the direction which it is moving, i would simply use "proximity" when the player enters/exits the set zone

The enemy model can then simply stand around and be animated with an "idle" animation.

When player enters the set zone, the enemy can then move toward player "with walking animation" then stop moving, then "shoot animation" shoot at player a few times, then start walking backwards, and restart?

It this a viable option? As i realize now that, any fps game i make, the AI behaviors will always be the same.

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Registered User
2023-11-28 08:41:11

Here is some actions that can be used to build simple AI without scripting .. example included.
Also there are many AI scripts that are made by Coppercube users that you can use..

Maybe your ai shoots itself and kills himself..sometimes it may happen if bullet shoots from wrong location.. so it freezes.. for testing set bullet damage to be very small..or health value high.
Dont exactly know what problem can be without seeing the project.

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Registered User
2023-11-28 09:23:39


Here is some actions that can be used to build simple AI without scripting .. example included.
Also there are many AI scripts that are made by Coppercube users that you can use..

Maybe your ai shoots itself and kills himself..sometimes it may happen if bullet shoots from wrong location.. so it freezes.. for testing set bullet damage to be very small..or health value high.
Dont exactly know what problem can be without seeing the project.

Thank you so much @ 5v3n!!

I will have a look at the bullet fired from location, may need to adjust it outward, could possibly collide internally! and thank you for all the work you do creating all the helpful items!!

It is much appreciated!

I was almost about to give up, i am creating decent quake style levels with rounded angular entries and segments, but without my models working, there was going to be no point

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