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Static/dynamic lighting and shadows

Registered User
2023-11-26 14:15:46

Howsit everyone

I am playing around with static and dynamic lighting, I noticed the following, so i am not sure if my settings are incorrect or maybe I don’t know what i am doing

Here is the setup:

I have a room mesh, plain empty room
I have the soldier mesh which comes with coppercube
There is also a standard cube mesh

I set the scene to allow shadows
Set all the meshes lighting to dynamic
Put a few light points in, and it looks pretty good, but there is no shadow from the soldier mesh

Now, if i remove all the light points and add only the directional light, i get a shadow from the soldier mesh, but the rest of the room looks awful, and obviously i can’t add light points with the directional light.

My question is, unless I don’t understand, it seems only the directional light adds shadows on the soldier/ animated meshes?

2023-11-26 17:47:07

Yup, realtime shadows only works with directional lights, other lights won't cast any realtime shadows.

Registered User
2023-11-29 19:18:24

Yup, realtime shadows only works with directional lights, other lights won't cast any realtime shadows.

Thanks i noticed that, is there a way to change the light type of the normal light points? Currently they have only a horizontal radius which can be adjusted.

Is there any way to change it to cast differently, like a spotlight or uplight?

Registered User
2023-12-05 09:51:28

To carry on with this, i am wondering if the following will work:

To get the below effect i am looking for:


(photo stolen from dekon_17's post)

-Create my scene with all my static items(static lightmaps selected)
-Add in all my lightpoints
-Then bake on the shadows with the built in generator
-Remove all the lightpoints
-Then add the directional light to cast shadows for the animated meshes
-And i understand that my dynamic light may not cast animated mesh shadows onto the baked static mesh's maps?


-Create my scene with all my static items(static lightmaps selected)
-Add in all my lightpoints
-Then bake on the shadows with the built in generator
-Remove all the lightpoints
- use a "dummy" flat mesh colored black for the animated mesh's shadows

Is this a possible trick which could work?

But i realized i am also not paying attention, i can also use normal map textures with the diffuse textures to make everything look a little bit more crisp - not just with the lighting alone

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