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My CopperCube Code Editor Is Now Open Source :)

Registered User
2023-11-22 13:54:01

as the title says i open sourced my coppercube code editor under mit license so feel free to extend it or create your own code editor based on it.
heres the link with source code
and also remember creating software requires time so if you liked it please consider donating me a small amount of money or support me on itch

2023-11-22 18:05:37

Sorry for this question, but why should I use your tool if I have Notepad++? I mean, what makes your editor better?
As I understand, you have GPT inside, but to work with it, do I need to use my key and pay money? Or does it work with your key, built inside the program?

Registered User
2023-11-22 18:17:33

SamGrady wrote:
Sorry for this question, but why should I use your tool if I have Notepad++? I mean, what makes your editor better?
As I understand, you have GPT inside, but to work with it, do I need to use my key and pay money? Or does it work with your key, built inside the program?

My tool is especially designed for coppercube and works only with coppercube api. Notepad++ is a general tool . But it's your choice to use my tool or use notepad++ . For gpt you need to use your own key cause gpt can cost money

2023-11-22 20:17:49

My tool is especially designed for coppercube and works only with coppercube api. Notepad++ is a general tool . But it's your choice to use my tool or use notepad++ . For gpt you need to use your own key cause gpt can cost money

So, does that mean your editor might be needed only for new users who are just starting coding? Don't take this as offensive, I'm just trying to understand if this tool has any advantages over Notepad++.

Registered User
2023-11-22 20:50:27

Yes @SamGrady it has , in notepad++ you wont get code completion for coppercube api cause it does not have a single .js file that includes all stuff , its build inside the coppercube using spidermonkey javascript engine, and this tools helps with this, it will also work with copperlicht api

2023-11-22 21:37:36

Yes @SamGrady it has , in notepad++ you wont get code completion for coppercube api cause it does not have a single .js file that includes all stuff , its build inside the coppercube using spidermonkey javascript engine, and this tools helps with this, it will also work with copperlicht api

I'm not entirely sure, can this tool compile JS and show if there's an error in the code or something? Because Notepad++ has auto-completion, and it's easy to add the CopperCube API.
I'm genuinely trying to find the real differences between them, and I'm not trolling or writing this with any hate. Because I find that a lot of people think I'm trolling them when I try to discuss some really serious stuff.

Registered User
2023-11-22 22:20:38

my tool also has the same feature, you can check the code for syntax error, even it tells you the exact line and reason. also i could write a plugin for vscode or notepad++ but i decided to roll my own code editor

2023-11-22 22:22:54

Now I see clearly, your tools allow us to find errors without CopperCube, right?

Registered User
2023-11-22 22:47:31


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