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problem with fog

Registered User
2023-10-19 14:24:57


there is a problem with cc 6.61 the environment in the following game has very thick fog and when the scene is loaded directly in publishing there is no problem but when the scene is loaded through in game ui there is no fog at all.

whats happening?

2023-10-20 10:32:46

You saying you want the fog or not ?
When you say loaded through ui I think you mean through the editor right ??

Ive always found the editor and the exe file to look the same...

Registered User
2023-10-20 10:52:36

Robbo wrote:
You saying you want the fog or not ?
When you say loaded through ui I think you mean through the editor right ??

Ive always found the editor and the exe file to look the same...

yes i want the fog and what im saying is while publishing if i publish the scene with fog directly the fog works
but with the in game ui i made (you can check both version in the link named trai and trai 1) i start the scene the fog system is not working

Registered User
2023-10-23 14:21:47

Can somebody help me with the issue ? I will be very grateful

2023-10-23 14:38:35

Can you upload the ccb instead of exe? It's almost impossible to diagnose/fix the problem without the ccb.

Registered User
2023-10-24 13:22:09

VP wrote:
Can you upload the ccb instead of exe? It's almost impossible to diagnose/fix the problem without the ccb.

here it is ;-

has two scenes
scene 1 ;- the environment
scene 2 ;- game ui

Registered User
2023-10-29 12:12:12

hello! can anybody help me?
no one seems to be intrested

2023-11-01 08:24:23

I'd like to help but the file says it'll take over 5 hours to download on a broadband connection.

2023-11-01 08:25:23

Oh, just tried again and took 5 seconds, lol. I'll take a look today for you.

Registered User
2023-11-01 08:47:40

OK, fixed it - it's a bug in the camera....

Sometimes, if you change the camera style (after it's been created), the camera doesn't behave properly. There are probably other situations which cause this bug to occur too (cloning cameras, for example, sometimes causes it).

The only way I know to fix it (and how I fixed your file) is to delete all the cameras (both scenes) and then create the cameras again. Then save the ccb, then run it and the fog works properly.

If you can't get it to work, I can upload the fixed ccb for you. BTW why is the file over 100mb though it's not got any large content?

2023-11-02 11:57:22

Here's a temporary download link to your fixed file - link expires in 30 days....

Registered User
2023-11-02 17:08:34

OK, fixed it - it's a bug in the camera....

Sometimes, if you change the camera style (after it's been created), the camera doesn't behave properly. There are probably other situations which cause this bug to occur too (cloning cameras, for example, sometimes causes it).

The only way I know to fix it (and how I fixed your file) is to delete all the cameras (both scenes) and then create the cameras again. Then save the ccb, then run it and the fog works properly.

If you can't get it to work, I can upload the fixed ccb for you. BTW why is the file over 100mb though it's not got any large content?

i cant thank you enough for the help , and the solution and i dont know the reson for the file size bieng more than 100 mb but i think this is due to me as i have tried experimenting, importing and working with about 10 to 20 3d models and many sounds but when i noticed the fog issue i copied the ccb file and deleted the models before posting (as the scenery was looking ugly ) and for the slow download issue sometime mediafire causes this kind of problems with me too.

anyways thank you a lot for the help.

2023-11-02 20:08:19

You're welcome - no problem at all. Happy to help you.

2023-11-03 15:49:07

It is unfortunately not fixed in @VP's file, and seems to be a potential bug, and a known bug. Maybe @VP took it as something else or maybe I am not understanding it.

For me, I think that you were talking about the trees appearing white and are easily distinguishable when you play the game with the UI button and they don't blend with the fog.

But when you play the scene directly they blends with the fog and are not distinguishable even when they are far away. And you are trying to get the same effect when using the UI button to switch the sene, that's what I am assuming your issue is.

So, it is actually not the fog, but the bacground color that is resposible for this issue.

in order to fix the issue, simply use the same background color for the rootnode for the scene with the UI button as your main scene.
that is (48,48,48) and your issue will be fixed.

Registered User
2023-11-04 10:03:15

It is unfortunately not fixed in @VP's file, and seems to be a potential bug, and a known bug. Maybe @VP took it as something else or maybe I am not understanding it.

For me, I think that you were talking about the trees appearing white and are easily distinguishable when you play the game with the UI button and they don't blend with the fog.

But when you play the scene directly they blends with the fog and are not distinguishable even when they are far away. And you are trying to get the same effect when using the UI button to switch the sene, that's what I am assuming your issue is.

So, it is actually not the fog, but the bacground color that is resposible for this issue.

in order to fix the issue, simply use the same background color for the rootnode for the scene with the UI button as your main scene.
that is (48,48,48) and your issue will be fixed.

thank you very much

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