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Luposian: "Prelude to Creation" (Stage 1) is now FREE!

Registered User
2023-09-17 03:04:36

I just played my "Preliminary version" and felt pretty much empty. It wasn't enough to really make me want to get (much less pay for) the full version of Stage 1. So, I've decided to make a sacrifice and release Stage 1 for FREE. If the end of Stage 1 doesn't make you want to get Stage 2, then nothing will. I've also decided to offer a 50% discount on Stage 2 (when it's released), to those that actually contact me, ask questions, ask for hints, etc. about Stage 1.

Here ya go:

Registered User
2023-09-17 05:41:22

I also realize that Stage 2 is too short, presently. So, I'm going to need to add more segments of the story to it (two more, for a total of four segments, I'm thinking), which means there will probably only be a total of 3 Stages, for the entire game. Not how I wanted things, but making each Stage feel rewarding, in how much you do and discover, is the most important thing. If I wouldn't be happy playing each stage, I doubt anyone else would either and providing a complete and fulfilling game experience is what I'm after.

panic betrayer
2023-09-18 14:32:55

luposian wrote:
So, I've decided to make a sacrifice and release Stage 1 for FREE

a sacrifice worthy of a god, my gratitude upon thee for this divine blessing you're giving us for free

2023-09-18 20:49:36

I didn't play it, but from the recent discussions I would assume it has an interesting story.
However, I would suggest that in the future you don't use the CC built in buildings and cubes. At least for us CCers these things prevent our socks from being blown off. I guess we consider them placeholders only.

I would also encourage you to publish it additionally (esp free games) as webGL on, more people will try it, including people on linux and mac. Then interact with people on, comment their games, and discretely leave a link to your game.

Registered User
2023-09-19 04:34:17

I like the idea of the game - each stage leads to more adventure in the next one... kind of like Alice in wonderland... one thing leads to another... all the way to the conclusion.

That's the great thing about CopperCube, you can have a good time bringing your ideas to life. I know for me, building a game is more enjoyable than actually playing it... but like you say, providing a fulfilling game experience is what we hope to do...

keep up your good efforts and maybe it will pay off in the end!

by the way, adding a link in someone else's comments is actually called "comment spamming" and is greatly discouraged...

Registered User
2023-09-19 06:37:33

panic betrayer wrote:
luposian wrote:
So, I've decided to make a sacrifice and release Stage 1 for FREE

a sacrifice worthy of a god, my gratitude upon thee for this divine blessing you're giving us for free

Not sure if that was said with any degree of seriousness or not, but I'll take it with a smile, either way.

Registered User
2023-09-19 06:45:25

I like the idea of the game - each stage leads to more adventure in the next one... kind of like Alice in wonderland... one thing leads to another... all the way to the conclusion.

That's the great thing about CopperCube, you can have a good time bringing your ideas to life. I know for me, building a game is more enjoyable than actually playing it... but like you say, providing a fulfilling game experience is what we hope to do...

keep up your good efforts and maybe it will pay off in the end!

by the way, adding a link in someone else's comments is actually called "comment spamming" and is greatly discouraged...

Indeed. CopperCube has made it possible to bring Luposian to life, in an actual game. Not exactly how I WANTED him presented, initially, but given the tools I had at my disposal, I only needed to change the premise of why he looked the way he did and was able to make it work decently. I'm certainly pleased with the result, so far. I've only played Stage 2 about a dozen and 20 times now, trying to get certain details "just right". Have to speed up his movement, so it doesn't take me forever to get from one area to another at his normal pace, while testing things out. (lol!)

Concerning "comment spamming", where did I do that? I don't recall. It was not my intent to commit any faux pas in doing so. I'll be sure to avoid doing that in the future.

Registered User
2023-09-19 07:07:24

Dieter wrote:
I didn't play it, but from the recent discussions I would assume it has an interesting story.
However, I would suggest that in the future you don't use the CC built in buildings and cubes. At least for us CCers these things prevent our socks from being blown off. I guess we consider them placeholders only.

I would also encourage you to publish it additionally (esp free games) as webGL on, more people will try it, including people on linux and mac. Then interact with people on, comment their games, and discretely leave a link to your game.

It doesn't cost anything to download and play it, so why not give it a whirl?

I use the tools I have at my disposal, because I've basically run out of funds to finance original content. I'm trying to do as much as I possibly can on my own and with what free content and help I can get. And, as this game is not the end-all-be-all of Luposian's story (it's just the beginning), it needn't be completely all original content. Be grateful that there is enough within CopperCube that I can present Luposian's origin story halfway decently. Luposian (taken from a single pose 2D pencil sketch and render into a 3D model) and his animation were the most expensive aspects, period. He's now "alive". No longer confined to just a sheet of paper (or my mind, originally)... he can now be presented in a far more tangible, interactive form.

I want to focus on one platform (PC; I'd like to have it also on Silicon Macs, but unless Nico ever makes a silicon-native 64-bit version of the CopperCube Editor, that will never happen) and get it finished, before presenting it on another. I'm, personally, more fond of downloadable games (for PC and/or Macs) than web browser-based games. Personal preference.

Registered User
2023-09-19 17:19:56

sorry @luposian...
I was not very clear in my edit...
I didn't mean to say you had done any spamming -

I was referring to @Dieter 's comment where he suggested:
"Then interact with people on, comment their games, and discretely leave a link to your game."

It's just generally considered bad form and not well received by most... so I would never recommend it...

sorry for any confusion

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