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i improved my coppercube code editor and added copperlicht support, what features do you want me to add next?

Registered User
2023-08-31 13:02:43

basically title says it
i added copperlicht support with code completetion and everything
what do you want me to add next
also if you like my work please consider donating a small amount of money because creating software requires time and work(note: i asked permission from niko to get donations)

Registered User
2023-08-31 19:15:11

Hi hanicraft!

I know copperlicht has physics for vehicles, I would like this feature in Coppercube, is possible?

Registered User
2023-08-31 19:54:36

Hi hanicraft!

I know copperlicht has physics for vehicles, I would like this feature in Coppercube, is possible?

yes its possible. i can make it if you like

2023-08-31 20:24:31

I thought the webGl target (that uses copperlicht.js) does not support the CC built in physics library.

Didn't test your editor so far, but the screens promise a very capable code editor. What would really be cool, although maybe impossible, is a code editor that directly edits all existing scripts (the ones under behavior - special - execute js), and allows me to keep these windows or tabs open all the time, so I can test the game and edit the scripts more quickly. Currently I have to do about 3 clicks to open and another 3 to close a script window, to test a new version.

Well that's just me and my problems with the tiny font there, and the lack of a "Find" function. Thanks for sharing your work!

Registered User
2023-08-31 20:44:18

well all those features are in the editor
for the font you can change the size and for find function you can just press ctrl + f

2023-09-01 19:54:49

Really? I mean, it can edit the scripts that are stored in the little behavior script windows in CC? I don't mean external action and behavior scripts. Sure the editor is useful there too. But most annoying are those little embed js editor windows in the CC editor. As I said due to fontsize and having less features than notepad.

Registered User
2023-09-01 20:59:24

Hi hanicraft! Great, physics for vehicles would be amazing! I would love this feature from copperlicht!

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