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forum topic indicator Another problem with animated mesh importing
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Registered User
2023-08-28 18:36:41

Welp, it all happens again, and it is frustrating, as it always was. Since I've been told that this is "not a forum for Blender", which is true, I will say, that there is no clear confirmation that it all breaks apart because of Blender and not how Coppercube views my model. And, since it works and looks fine and consistent in Blender, I have only one suspect here.

Because I won't be able to explain everything here, I made a recording of me trying to do SOMETHING with model (spoiler: nothing worked well). Link:

I doubt it's all because of certain bone constrains that I have, because making the same edit of model animation returns different result upon reloading model in Coppercube.

Any ideas on what happens here?

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2023-08-28 20:18:32

Not watched the video yet, but in my CC 6.4, when I check the JS console of the browser on CC webgl output, other than favicon error 403, there is a constantly rising number of warnings, I'm paraphrasing: "access violation AnimationFrameRequest". That is with a game that has absolutely no animated meshes in it whatsoever. That's just to say, in case there are bugs, we should at least get some ESG perks for eating them ^^ j/k
Seriously, this seemed like a bug to me, and I would try to evade it somehow. I just had issues with .OGG, after 1 hour bughunt I replaced it by MP3, worked right away. (Other OGGs work)

Did you try different file formats, eg. FBX?

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Registered User
2023-08-28 21:14:22

From what I know, only FBX works. At least, from available Blender export formats. Even documentation says to use it. So... FBX is the only format that I am using for all 3D models.

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2023-08-29 07:45:16

Also, depends which version of Blender you use. Check the Ambiera docs to see which version is recommended. Exports from the later versions of Blender aren't usually stable in coppercube - a particular older version of blender (can't remember which, but I mentioned it in the forum somewhere, relating to this issue).... is rock solid every time. Anything after that certain Blender version (the one where they dropped directx format support) introduces problems for directx and fbx model import to coppercube.

Of course, some people may use later versions and never encounter any problems - depends on your workflow - I use a lot of different sources for models and a lotof different modellingsoftware, so I was encountering all sorts of different issues with coppercube imports at first.

My advice is to get a 3rd party software (I use Ultimate Unwrap 3D pro - but it was $50) - as part of a pipeline. that, I mean, now I use it to convert everything to either fbx or directx before I import to coppercube. Anything I export from UltimateUnwrap, as a 2015 FBX or native directx works perfectly. Rather than exclusively relying on blender's own exporters.

If I ever export from blender now, it's usually hit/miss whether it will work or not in coppercube - animations break, textures slots disappear, geometry turns into grenade shrapnel, animations wobble off-centre etc. Another issue I had constantly with blender exports was that larger models would sometimes take an age to load - after exporting with UUW3DP, same model opens in seconds, fully textured - definitely something to do with blender/coppercube relationship.

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Registered User
2023-08-29 08:34:36

Well... I don't think I can just move to some old version of Blender, because it won't be able to read all the .blend files I currently have, and re-learning from one version UI and navigation to another will take a long time. I don't know how much time I spent making all the models I currently have, but Steam shows it's 600 hours. You know, I don't want to spend even a third of that time for everything. Plus, I don't know wether it will have all the things that I currently use to ease the (pain) process of making models.

Also, if it all became less stable from some version of Blender... I tried to look up information on FBX format, and, according to "most trustworthy source of information ever" (Wikipedia), there are various FBX versions ( What if Coppercube supports an older version of FBX, which causes certain problems reading file? Not sure about that, but it's just a theory.

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2023-08-29 08:40:04

Yes, 2015 FBX seems best for coppercube. If you don't want to use UltimateUnwrap, you can try the blender addon called "Better FBX" exporter. It solves some issues.

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Registered User
2023-08-29 09:16:34

Can you give me a link to this add-on? I can't find it in Blender.

Also, I just bypassed this animation problem I currntly had by... Making animation worse. Yeah, in this case, spine rotation caused all that. And, although I "fixed" it, yet again, animation looks worse now, which is bad. Not that I have any much choise left though...

Perhaps, FBX support will be updated in fututre versions of Coppercube, but, really, I don't even know at this point if I should expect any fixes.

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2023-08-29 09:25:58

No worries -yeah, I wouldn't hold your breath for a Coppercube fix.

I'm not 100% sure if Better fbx exporter will fix it - reach out to the dev for a free trial, see if it works before you pay the, - they're pretty good that way.

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2023-08-29 16:20:32

Maybe you could also use fragmotion to convert blender output to something CC friendly.
UltimateUnwrap rules, but is not for free. I remember I used lithunwrap for years, for UV works. UU is its successor, containing all the UV mapping tools, but also does most reliable animated mesh saving. So you can map a mesh after animating it. That guy successfully removed all the latest free lithunwrap versions from the web :..(

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Registered User
2023-08-29 20:37:50

Here's an archived version of lithunwrap....

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Registered User
2023-08-29 20:51:56

I can't say anything about Blender or other modelling tools. I use Milkshape and Wings3d. And after trying around i found out that export to .fbx is the best working thing.

My problem is now to cut out animations with the tool in copper cube. Maybe i do something wrong in Milkshape - who knows. But the tool is over 20 years old - but it works.

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2023-08-30 19:44:03

Hi Chris, not sure what you mean by "cut out animation" - you mean assign certain parts to certain animations?

One thing you need to know is, you can define those parts in CC, but you cannot simply replay them when they have ended. It's a while ago that I had to deal with this, but I remember I had to somehow create an idle sequence of length zero, that I had to play before actually re-playing the sequence that I really wanted to play.

Yeah Milkshape, as ancient the gui may look, was industrial standard for a long time, in classical FPS design, and still is in many aspects.

Hey VeganPete, thanks. Now I recall, I got this, but it crashes. He says if it crashes, update OpenGL drivers. I found a generic update for the onboard graphics card, like half a gigabyte, to large to scan for malware online, frankly, I passed and (after a day of find-nothing-good-karma) quickly wrote my own UV mapper, which was surprisingly straight forward. Probably will release it the sooner or later.

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Registered User
2023-08-30 22:37:06

When I started working on "Luposian: Prelude to Creation", I was using CopperCube 6.6 (the latest version) and the Luposian 3D model that Kam created for me (in Blender, I assume, because I also have .blend files) also works fine in the latest version of Blender (maybe a revision or two old by now).

The only issue I ever had was that Luposian (.fbx model) was a GIANT when I initially imported him into CopperCube. But that was easily fixed with scaling.

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