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System Clock / System Date

Registered User
2023-07-29 23:41:52

I would like to know if CopperCube supports a system clock or date? The game I been working on is a Sims like am which also uses a system clock to change the world.

I made different variants of the hub world base on what time the player hops on the game. Christmas, Halloween or summer. If the game read the system clock / date as [Dec 01] then change variable $worldevents$ from 1 to 3. If a variable = 3 then change summer grass to show grass.

Same with the clock, if player boot the game up around 9:00 PM then change variable $time$ to = 9 to change texture skybox and change lighting.

worldevent_1 - summer
worldevent_2 - Halloween
worldevent_3 - Christmas

It would be nice to know if CopperCube could do this because I search the forum and found nothing. If someone has made a System Clock / System Date then let me know.

Registered User
2023-07-30 14:46:18

you are in a wrong section old version of Coppercube.
here is a link where you can download a scene on how to manage the 'system clock by modifying it you can also derive days etc..

Registered User
2023-08-19 03:50:54

you are in a wrong section old version of Coppercube.
here is a link where you can download a scene on how to manage the 'system clock by modifying it you can also derive days etc..

Woah, thanks man. I didn't know where I should had post it but thanks for showing me this! I wish I could do the dates or days but this works. I try a lot of things with Java and didn't think it was possible .

2023-08-27 09:59:49

If I'm not mistaken, then this should work in JS for all platforms, but certainly for webgl:

gw_currenttime=new Date();
gw_millisecs = gw_currenttime.getTime();
gw_date = gw_currenttime.getDate();

It might be useful for you to calculate the days past between two dates, so you might use:
Julian day == The interval of time in days since noon at Greenwich on 1 January 4713 BC

now = new Date;
alert((now.valueOf()/86400000) + 2440587.5);

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