mrskeleton Registered User |
2023-07-18 02:42:12 |
As I mentioned in the title, I've been having this problem for a long time, I still can't solve it, I tried all file formats, please urgent help
VP Guest |
2023-07-18 07:30:16 |
I've had this issue too. The red icon is probably an old icon that was embedded in the ccb file. Sometimes the icons don't swap over when you try to change them (or, in my case, they seem to take a while to change). Not sure exaclty what makes them change or not - possibly run coppercube as Admin and move the exe file to a different location which refreshes the icon (sometimes works in my case) - anyway, if it's urgent and it refuses to work, as a last-resort, you can force it by using something like resource Hacker to inject a new icon to the game.exe. In this case, you'd have to do that each time you publish a new version from CopperCube because the icon will probably be replaced with the red square again.
VP Guest |
2023-07-18 07:36:45 |
In fact, I just checked, all of my projects display the wrong icons but they seem to automatically fix - if I drag them to a new directory, then back to the project directory again - this seems to force an icon refresh (see piano.exe)...
okeoke Registered User |
2023-07-18 13:10:05 |
Try use .bmp format for icons. You can encode using preinstalled paint app.
mrskeleton Registered User |
2023-07-18 17:36:43 |
I tried what you said, but it doesn't work, especially when I use a resource hacker, when I open the .exe file, it doesn't throw it to the stage.
but I have one more thought because when I formatted my computer, I saved its name as "My Computer" in Turkish, so coppecube couldn't detect the Turkish character.
mrskeleton Registered User |
2023-07-18 19:22:03 |
yes i solved the problem is related to turkish characters thanks friends