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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > CopperCube Open discussion
consider myself lucky!

2023-04-24 08:30:31

I consider myself lucky to have found out about Coppercube about 2 years ago .. its the best userfriendly game and app maker i know of i can create everything i want in this program!
niko is a god in my mind!

Registered User
2023-04-30 18:47:22

Sure, try do a same game in Unreal and Coppercube, in Unreal you can spend 10 times more for to do the same thing!

One example, just for you apply a material in a model in Unreal, you need to do a programming with blueprint or C++, to seem very painful, it is just a exemple!

I know Unreal or Unity has better physics, light, shadows, but you can reach very good results in Coppercube, sometimes not so far from the other engines, for good results your
creativity and the model quality makes the difference!

You can do to a best game with Coppercube than the Unreal easily, but you need to know how to do this!

2023-04-30 20:43:06

yes like i said i consider myself lucky for finding out about CC i found about it browsing Gdevelop forum i was using that program before

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