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Cards random

Registered User
2023-04-09 22:33:47

Good afternoon. Please tell me which script is best used for the accidental loss of one of the cards in the deck?
There are several cards, you need to select one by pressing the button. Have there been similar projects for our engine? Thank you in advance for the answers.

2023-04-10 03:58:35

I think you can use the action that sets random numbers for a variable in between two. for example if you want to check in deck of 53 card then you can use a min value of 0 and max value of 53, and use that variable to get the card you required. Each time you execute the action you will get a random number. means you get a random card.

you can along with this use if a variable has a value do something action, to execute if the number is 1 then change the texture of the card or do whatever you want to do there.

Registered User
2023-04-10 19:51:23

Thank you for the answer. I am still very poorly versed in variables, I will study further. Thanks.

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