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Luposian: Prelude To Creation

Registered User
2023-04-06 15:34:02

* Makes a game about himself being a muscular and spiritual half-wolf
* Compares it to Start Wars
* Zero sense of self-greatness

Hi Luposian,

Hope you're having a nice day!

I'm really happy you made your game free. I've already downloaded the game, and find myself a nice bottle of natural 2013's Melsheimer Vade Retro. I'm looking forward for tonight to enjoy your game. And 10 years old natural wine will complement my experience, since at the point it probably smells exactly like a sweaty dog.

Maybe I'm mistaken, but considering the words you say and quality of your game I would probably compare it to The Room, not Star Wars. I will gladly apologize if the final product will be any good, though.

Also, I'm thinking about making my own not-werewolf game. I think to call it Wolexander. Or maybe, Zalupus. Could you please suggest which one you like better?

2023-04-06 18:35:02

But The Room is a masterpiece, @okeoke...


Registered User
2023-04-06 19:36:53

Still not as good as star wars:)

Registered User
2023-04-07 05:46:38

Ok, you're trolling me. I've finally figured that out. I'm sure you're much younger than me... probably a teenager at most. I'd be surprised if I were wrong, as most adults outgrow their need to put down other people, regardless of why, unless they've had a bad childhood. Thankfully, I'm not one of them (I didn't have a bad childhood).

So, enjoy the "game". There will be updates as things progress. I'm hoping there are some who will appreciate what I'm creating and look forward to the adventure.

I'm not going to try and draw anymore parallels, to explain myself, as you seem either utterly incapable of comprehending the point(s) I'm trying to get across or you're just deliberately twisting my words and trying to make me look bad.

However, I gave $100 to a developer to make this game a reality. Took two years and it was totally worth it. It's FREE also, but you need an Apple iOS device to play it. Enjoy the videos.

1) When you make something because you want it, other people's opinions don't matter.

2) When you make something, seeking other people's approval, other's opinions are ALL that matter.

Thankfully, I'm firmly in the first camp.

Registered User
2023-04-07 17:22:55


You've already called be a pig, a poor who can't afford apple devices, a teenager. Am I missing something? And it's me who is putting you down?

You paid 100 to a developer to make this game a reality? Omg, such a demiurge.

It's only you who make yourself look bad. You're delusional,
talentless, and lack any self-irony. Also lazy - you were making your crappy clicker for two years and haven't learn anything about programming or modelling.

Your journey and adventure with this game is just a scam, it will be short, boring, and will end nowhere. In the end you will blame the guy who's making everything for you. Prove me wrong.

Registered User
2023-04-07 19:44:15

Obviously, creating a game about a bipedal wolf has triggered you. Maybe if I had made it a game about a bipedal hamster, you'd have been happier. Sorry to have upset you.

Talentless? I can compose music. Can you? ALL the music in Lava Crew is mine. Over 200 pieces!

Crappy Clicker for two years? What are you talking about? Lava Crew? How do you know how "crappy" some game is, until you've actually played it? And you wouldn't know, unless you had an iOS device. Visual opinion (just watching the videos) doesn't count. It may not be your type of game, but that doesn't make it bad. Read up on "Astal" for the Sega Saturn. Many reviews totally ripped it down. Had I accepted those reviews as fact and never bought the game for my Saturn, I'd have missed out on some of the most wonderful music and fun gameplay I still look back on fondly. I believe personal experience (not other's opinions) is the best way to judge things. Some people may love something you don't. Some people may hate something you love. That's what makes us all individuals.

True, I'm not a programmer and I don't know how to do 3D modelling. That's why I'm grateful that there are others I can afford to pay to make my game ideas a reality. You don't have to do everything yourself, to be successful. Steve Jobs needed Steve Wozniak. Steve Wozniak needed to believe in Steve Jobs. Neither was sufficient unto themselves, but together, Apple became what it is today.

I looked up the word "demiurge", but I still can't quite figure out the context of your usage of the word. Maybe I should pull a line from "The Princess Bride"...

"I don't think that word means what you think it means."

This game brings my character, Luposian, to life. He was first, just an idea in my head, til I paid an artist to put him down on paper. Then he was visible. Then years later (2001), another artist created a pencil sketch from that, that was (in my opinion) "perfect". That period lasted 20 years. Then, most recently (2021), I finally got that pencil sketch rendered into a 3D animated model. Then shortly afterwards (2022), I had Luposian rendered even better... but you'll have to play the game, to the end, to know what he looks like in THAT form.

And that is where the end of the game... leads to a whole new beginning, hence the title... "Prelude To Creation". What we see in the game is his... 'coming into being' form (the prelude). Hence why he looks the way he does. He isn't "finished" being created!

Truth be known, I took a shortcut, since I wasn't happy with how he was being rendered in Godot 3.5, and had his simpler rendered form brought into CopperCube 6.6 (which I found shortly after asking Kam_27 to try and "fur" Luposian in Godot 3.5). CopperCube 6.6 made it a lot easier to get him into a playable game, sooner, because the CopperCube 6.6 game engine does so much for you. I was able to get a few things figured out initially (like scaling Luposian down from being a massive giant to slighly taller than an average man in the engine), but I needed someone more knowledgeable to take it from there. I've learned a few things about the CopperCube engine... things like sizing/positioning the collision sphere... movement speed... gravity... how to trigger audio files, etc. But I needed Kam_27's help to really put it all together into a playable game.

What you're seeing and "playing" is just the very beginnings of this game's development. It will take time and money (it would go faster if I had a lot of "disposable income"), but I'm patient... if I was willing to wait 2 years to see Lava Crew released for iOS, I can wait another 2 years to see "Luposian: Prelude To Creation" completed for Windows (and macOS). The journey to the destination is half the fun!

Registered User
2023-04-07 19:53:40

And, at the end of it all...

If everyone likes it, great! Glad to share a passion of mine with others.

If nobody else likes it, that's ok as well. I'm having this game made primarily for myself. If I didn't want to play it, why ever have it created it, to begin with?

I'm sorry if my dream gives you nightmares.

2023-04-08 00:39:54

I am not sure, If I have to moderate this thread or not, this seems to be a bit of argument that you both are enjoying and aren't having any issues with that infact it seems that you both are enjoying these chats.
Let me know if you want me to moderate this thread.

Registered User
2023-04-08 00:49:53

I'm not a mod, but I would moderate people selling crap for money. I thought was a discussion forum, people helping each other.
Selling can be done at Itch.

Registered User
2023-04-08 01:59:00

Talentless? I can compose music. Can you? ALL the music in Lava Crew is mine. Over 200 pieces!

Ok, at this point I think you're kidding me:)
I give you credit, the in-game tracks are fine. I mean they are simple, but they work for the game. And it's great that you've done them yourself.
Not trolling, just really curious what happened here Are you playing this on a keyboard without snapping to the grid? What's up with the tempo - everything is falling apart? I believe, it's a two chords progression, no resolution or anything. And there is this ugly major second in the second chord, which makes it unpleasant, to say. Voice leading doesn't exist. Bass doesn't change during the whole song, and it feels like it's off tempo, or rubato for if you prefer. This track sounds like you just smash the white keys without any idea of what you're doing.
There is also a second track in this video - it sounds fine. Is it also written and recorded by you?
Also are there any songs with more than 2 chords in that game?

Registered User
2023-04-08 02:37:30

Nope not kidding you at all... it's in the game credits.

Yes, they're not composed by a professional musician. I don't know how to play the piano at all. Basially all I know are simple chords. And, I start with a self-made (the entire length is all me the entire time) loop (well, actually, every "MIDI bit" I composed was about 30-60 seconds in length at most) and then build up on that.

I use a program called "iPiano" on my Power Mac G4 running MacOS X 10.3.9 (Panther). I just bang on keys on my computer keyboard (I call it "tromping") in a sequence, til I find something I like, then layer on other tracks, til I'm happy with the end result. A few of the songs, like the title theme, are snippets (or longer sections) of Amiga .MOD files I composed in the early 90's (on my Atari 1040ST, Atari Mega ST4, or Atari Falcon030). The rest are composed with iPiano on my G4 QuickSilver.

I don't claim to be a professional musician (evident by my short, simple style), but I do enjoy composing music. One of my favorite things. And, yes... ALL the music you hear was done by me. Every single piece. The ones you like. The ones you don't. And every other one inbetween!

Thank you for appreciating my efforts, even if only slightly.

The music I've composed for "Luposian", is done in Apple's GarageBand. Better sounding samples, but likely will have similar sound patterns, because I'm still just tromping on keys on my 2020 M1 Mac Mini keyboard.

You'll get to hear those after Stage 1 is completed.

But I really liked Eric Matyas "The Darkness Below" as it really fit the foggy, mysterious environment of Stage 1. Thankfully, it's free to use, as long as you give him credit. So it was a perfect match.

Talentless? I can compose music. Can you? ALL the music in Lava Crew is mine. Over 200 pieces!

Ok, at this point I think you're kidding me:)
I give you credit, the in-game tracks are fine. I mean they are simple, but they work for the game. And it's great that you've done them yourself.
Not trolling, just really curious what happened here Are you playing this on a keyboard without snapping to the grid? What's up with the tempo - everything is falling apart? I believe, it's a two chords progression, no resolution or anything. And there is this ugly major second in the second chord, which makes it unpleasant, to say. Voice leading doesn't exist. Bass doesn't change during the whole song, and it feels like it's off tempo, or rubato for if you prefer. This track sounds like you just smash the white keys without any idea of what you're doing.
There is also a second track in this video - it sounds fine. Is it also written and recorded by you?
Also are there any songs with more than 2 chords in that game?

2023-04-08 04:42:43


Registered User
2023-04-08 08:41:19

zalupus, yeah, gun done 2
* Makes a game about himself being a muscular and spiritual half-wolf
* Compares it to Start Wars
* Zero sense of self-greatness

Hi Luposian,

Hope you're having a nice day!

I'm really happy you made your game free. I've already downloaded the game, and find myself a nice bottle of natural 2013's Melsheimer Vade Retro. I'm looking forward for tonight to enjoy your game. And 10 years old natural wine will complement my experience, since at the point it probably smells exactly like a sweaty dog.

Maybe I'm mistaken, but considering the words you say and quality of your game I would probably compare it to The Room, not Star Wars. I will gladly apologize if the final product will be any good, though.

Also, I'm thinking about making my own not-werewolf game. I think to call it Wolexander. Or maybe, Zalupus. Could you please suggest which one you like better?

Registered User
2023-04-08 09:44:00

hey! sorry for interrupting you, i'm just a kid with a bunch of free time so i don't know how it is, to be a mature trying to make stuff between work and family life but... i'm using coppercube just for 3 years, in this 3 years i went from goofy stick-figures sketches to an actual people, from crappy midi mess to an actual music, from awful 1 behaviour "games" to a big projects, in these 3 years i had to learn everything by myself, even tho i haven't finished a single one, at least i developed skills on my own just by being interested in game development and by putting my effort dreams and feelings into my projects. in these 3 years i spent only 300 bucks... jk, rubles (3 dollars on today's course, approximately 5 dollars in 2020) and my dreams actually came truth, for free, without any help, and i'm still learning something new, more and more, and when i see that one dude spent on early flash looking game 2 years and spent so many money and time for a project with actually one animated mesh and one inbuilt behaviour almost without putting own effort into it... i know coppercube might be very aggressive for a newcomer because of a lack of good tutorials and advanced users like @SmnMhmdy or @Just_In_Case or @sven or @VeganPete but let's be objective, this project doesn't worth 800 dollars.

Registered User
2023-04-08 13:26:48

Hi @demonnoteternal,
Gun done and peace death are already taken, so it's sort of hard to find a nice name nowadays:)

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