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Camera shake action for explosions

2023-03-24 04:08:45

Guys I've got some code here for camera shake can any programmer make it a coppercube action for me please

2023-03-24 04:09:36

// Set the duration of the shake effect (in milliseconds)
var shakeDuration = 1000;

// Set the intensity of the shake effect (in pixels)
var shakeIntensity = 10;

// Get a reference to the camera object
var camera = CopperCube.getScene().getActiveCamera();

// Get the camera's initial position
var startX = camera.getPositionX();
var startY = camera.getPositionY();
var startZ = camera.getPositionZ();

// Define the easing function to use for the shake effect
var easingFunction = CopperCube.Easing.ElasticOut;

// Start the shake effect
CopperCube.getScene().startAction(function (elapsedTime) {
// Calculate the current shake intensity
var shakeX = (Math.random() * shakeIntensity * 2 - shakeIntensity) * easingFunction(elapsedTime / shakeDuration);
var shakeY = (Math.random() * shakeIntensity * 2 - shakeIntensity) * easingFunction(elapsedTime / shakeDuration);
var shakeZ = (Math.random() * shakeIntensity * 2 - shakeIntensity) * easingFunction(elapsedTime / shakeDuration);

// Set the camera's position to the new, shaken position
camera.setPosition(startX + shakeX, startY + shakeY, startZ + shakeZ);

// End the shake effect after the specified duration has elapsed
if (elapsedTime >= shakeDuration) {
return false;

return true;

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