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Two projects open at same time?

Registered User
2023-03-17 15:23:12


I would like to have two rocketcake website projects open at the same time, so that I can more efficiently copy and paste from one to the other. Right now, when I open one, RocketCake closes the other. Is there a way around this?

2023-03-17 15:36:19

Strange, because RocketCake allows multiple instances at the same time, i tried it many times, now i tried it again and it works.

Registered User
2023-03-17 17:20:41

For me, two instances work for me too. But I'm on Windows, not sure about macOS

Registered User
2023-03-17 21:38:55

You can open as many projects as you like but not within one RC instance. If you have one project open and wish to open another one, e.g. for doing copy and paste between projects, go to your file explorer and open the other project by double clicking its rcd file. Then, to switch between projects, select the respective RC instance from the task bar.
If you can't (yet) open a project by double clicking the rcd right-click the rcd, select "open with" and navigate to the RC executable. The OS will remember this so that double click will work as of then.

Registered User
2023-03-18 03:39:45

I am using a Mac. Hadn't thought it could be an issue.

I tried now going to the finder (Must be equivalent what you call File Explorer in Windows?) ... and double clicking each .rcd project file. But I get the same warning:

"Are you sure you want to open this file? All changes to the current file will be lost."

If I choose "OK" then it closes the first file (losing the changes of course) and allows me to open the second file (by itself - the only file open then).

Registered User
2023-03-18 08:46:00

And what if you start RC from the start menu and,once open, start another RC from the start menu? Does that work?
It works on Windows. Not sure about Mac.

Registered User
2023-04-26 05:57:41

Sorry to go missing for a few weeks. Thanks for trying. Unfortunately, I can't make that work. Windows version must be different than the Mac version, possibly?

I see there is a new version 5 out - was this issue fixed on version 5 for Mac? I'm using 4.8 (for Mac).

2023-04-26 06:56:16

No, sorry, in that regards, there is nothing new in version 5.

Yes, the macOS and Windows versions behave quite a bit
differently since they are both native apps.

Registered User
2023-04-27 05:32:58

Thanks for letting me know.

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