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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Programming and Scripting
For Sven

Registered User
2023-02-23 20:40:40

Sven a few months ago you mentioned you could write scripts for other coppercube users. Are you still able to do this?
I have a request for you, and I am willing to donate upon downloading one of your other ccb files on I will donate in advance and at completion of the project.
Here is the request: code/ccb file for a no mans sky style planetary gravity system, based on tiled heightmap terrains. I want to make heightmaps in world creator or vue or world machine and import them onto a sphere which would have some kind of gravity system where y up/down gravity is present for an FPS camera at all times, regardless of where the FPS cam is on the large (HUGE) sphere (divided, plus LODs to decrease system lag). I really want the player be able to just walk around the entire planet, regardless of what type of terrain he/she is on, just like there were no oceans and I were to walk from the US to China and around to the US again. I guess I might have not made myself clear enough when I've made previous inquires on this users forum.

Registered User
2023-02-24 01:19:24

Would you be open to trying this???

Registered User
2023-02-25 16:54:12

Right now i am kinda busy so i cant spend time behind computer. if i have time i will try to test some ideas how it may work- i will let you know if i am able to make it work.

Registered User
2023-03-16 23:39:45

Made some tests but -I am unable to get good enaught results for this type of project with Coppercube.

2023-03-17 00:34:46

Couldn't you just use a circular plane of some type to fake a planet? Something like an "azimuthal equidistant projection" that you could use to texture a sphere for the planet model? You would then use the projection as your terrain map and when the player reaches the bounds you would just teleport them to the other side? Why does the player have to walk on a sphere? I'm pretty sure No Man's Sky doesn't have the player walking on a ball. Could be wrong as I only played it for a little years ago. Just a thought.

2023-03-17 12:41:38


Can't you just rotate the sphere instead of the player and use ray casting to identify collision, stopping the sphere upon distance?

I saw that someone made the plugin for it.

I know that is how they did it in other engines once upon a time.

So the player does not actually move, just turns on the spot and the sphere moves , giving the illusion that the player is moving through the world.

I am new to coppercube, but it does seem like this is something that can be done without that much code.

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