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CopperCube Debug Helper Released

Registered User
2023-02-19 08:12:56

Guest wrote:
TBH, what's debugging in there, your app seems to be fishy.
In the Gif you provided, there is only 2 apps running.

how and where is the debugging happening, If you can provide a YoutTube video tutorial how the app and debugging works then it will be helpful.

The images are nothing but a simple notepad image with 4 javascript API commands there, it doesn't show anything that's related to debugging.

Coppercube already has a debugging panel by the way.

It runs in the system process and provides functions that CopperCube does not.

In the video you can see that the screen will stop refreshing when the window loses focus.
But when I pressed the F6 key, the two windows worked together.

It's hard to explain them clearly in the video, my suggestion is that it's better to actually use it to understand how it works.

2023-02-19 10:13:04

I've added some new commands to CopperCube, now you can control the game window better:

SetWindowSize(1280,720), GetWindowSize() , setWindowPos(200,200) , GetWindowPos(), SetWindowCaption("Text") , GetWindowCaption()

Be great to have a download link for this - keen to have a deeper look....can you do a Youtube video and link it there instead ?

Registered User
2023-02-19 16:28:43

I really like CopperCube and have been following the game engine for a long time, but there are very few updates every year and I have a lot of problems with developing games that I can't solve.

For example, I have a game settings interface and I want to add a feature to modify the game resolution, like most games, but I can't seem to find any API for it.

I'm trying to open two CopperCube games, but they don't debug properly on the same computer, and the game screen stops refreshing when the window loses focus, and I can't seem to find where to set it.

This program will continue to be updated, so the current version is not final, please do not use this program for formal projects, only for testing.

This program was developed to solve the problems encountered in game development. I shared it in the hope that CopperCube will become better. About recording videos and uploading, I don't have much time, I'm sorry.

This is the latest V1.2 version, here is the download link:
Password: Sakura

Edit by moderator:- Suspicious link, download at your own risk. It gives a virus warning Chrome won't allow downloading it. Microsoft defender also detects it as a virus. As OP is claiming that this is a false positive, Download the file at your own risk and test it in a sandbox environment first.

Please allow me to remove the reason for the moderator's edit.

Registered User
2023-02-19 16:36:12

Before trying to use CopperCubeHelper, please edit the config file first.

<add key="DebugHotkey" value="116" />
<add key="DualHotkey" value="117" />
<add key="AppName1" value="App1" />
<add key="AppName2" value="App2" />

If you use this program in a non-debug state, such as running after the game is released, you need to set DebugHotkey to -1, and the program will exit together when AppName1 exits.

If you fill in a key code, such as the F5 key, it can be used to compile and run the game with one key without having to switch to CopperCube.

To use this function, please first open a CCB file, create or open a JS file with the same name in the same directory, and press the F5 key when editing the JS file.

If you don't need to debug the game using dual mode, set DualHotkey to -1

To use dual mode, fill in the names of the two programs in the config file with AppName1 and AppName2 before running CopperCubeHelper, then press F6 to turn on dual mode, and press F6 again to turn off the mode. Or close any window, the mode will be closed automatically.

Tip 1: The game frame rate will be low when you first start, you need to click on one of the windows, then the frame rate will be back to normal.

Tip 2: For the value of Hotkey, you can Google the key code for more information.

AppName1 AppName2
Please fill in the name of the exe program here, not including .exe
If you only debug one game, AppName2 can be empty.

Tip 3: The first time you run CopperCubeHelper you may get a firewall prompt, please don't worry, this is the port opened on your computer for the game TCP communication.

Edit by moderator:- Do open the TCP port at your own risk, It might be used to inject a backdoor, steal your valuable data, and other things. I highly recommend testing the application in a sandbox environment like a virtual box.

Tip4: A JS file (Example.js) is included in the 7z, and the code will show how the extension functions work.

Registered User
2023-02-20 20:58:51

Thanks to the moderator for editing and comments.

I just updated all the pictures and videos in the post, here's the latest preview of what's coming.

Now CopperCubeHelper supports TCP-based high-performance communication services, which makes it possible to create online games with CopperCube.

It has almost no delay when tested locally, and if you want to use it for remote play, its delay depends on your network.

Here is a video demo:

The game in this video, I haven't optimized the code for it, so it's uploading the player's position and rotation every frame. If you optimize it fully, it will perform much better.

Using CopperCubeHelper to develop online games, you don't have to touch the troublesome TCP programming, and you don't need to install the PHP server.

Now you only need to use SendData(key,data) and ReceiveData(key,callback) functions, you can continue to use CopperCube's JavaScript language to develop online games.

If you don't consider security, you can fill in the player's name for the key value, for example:

SendData("Player1", data);

This means that you have uploaded Player1's data.

Player2 Player3 Player4 can use ReceiveData("Player1", callback) to receive data from Player1, very simple.

2023-02-21 08:10:03

Just wondering why you would have all the backend code only accessable through a HTTP link and not just in a javascript file extension as an Action, Behavior or Plugin ?

sorry but Im just not comfortable running any HTTP links.....we live in a world full of viruses and people trying to install malware etc etc....

Registered User
2023-02-21 22:28:08

Robbo wrote:
Just wondering why you would have all the backend code only accessable through a HTTP link and not just in a javascript file extension as an Action, Behavior or Plugin ?

sorry but Im just not comfortable running any HTTP links.....we live in a world full of viruses and people trying to install malware etc etc....

I understand what you said, please don't worry. If you have read my code, you will notice that these HTTP links are all pointing to the local (

If you want to make an online game, you need to have a server side for communication, and CopperCubeHelper can do that.

You don't actually need to install Helper at the player, you just need to put it on a server, like Minecraft, thus avoiding the game being treated as a virus.

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