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Turn-Based Combat for an RPG in Coppercube

2023-01-21 00:31:01

Sup, I'm working on this Coppercube RPG game and like every quirky rpg like Undertale, Off, Omori got this Combat system that is really cool and all, Welp, I'm trying to work on a system like that and I just finished the player side, It got health bar, buttons for fight and actions (actions not working yet), stamina bars, 2 attacks that deal several damage and need an amount of stamina. All art is by me, same for the coding and music is by Very Funny Man. Now, I'm going to work on the enemy side which will have attacks where you have to miss to not get damaged and every round you get a stamina point. Here's a preview of the player side: Enjoy!

Also, no, I will not publish the game until it's not finished.

2023-01-21 07:19:50

Waiting for it to be released

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