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imageGallery Question

Registered User
2022-12-21 17:48:18

I often add images to my gallery but I am finding the sorting function (moving up etc) slightly frustrating. I just want to check that I am doing this correctly. I add an image which always goes to the bottom position. Lets say I wanted it at the top so I have to right click on the bottom filename to show the up arrow, I click on it and it moves up one position. I then do the same again for each move. I wonder if there is any other way to change the position such as holding the up arrow and perhaps pressing something on the keyboard to move it up many positions at a time. I only ask as I often have issues with my M1 MacBook as the trackpad has a mind of its own.

2022-12-22 13:31:23

Yes, re-arranging the images in the gallery works like that for now. You can also just copy and paste the file names in the slots, alternatively, this works probably faster for you. Going to add an easier way in a future update.

Registered User
2022-12-22 15:11:26

Thanks for the tip about cutting and pasting the ffilenames.

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