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The Farm [webGL horror WIP]

Registered User
2022-12-14 01:10:05

Hi all! Here's another little webgl vignette, if you will:

Night's falling, goddamn car's broken in the middle of nowhere and your phone is non-existent, so you walk until you arrive to this vast, ominous cornfield that seems to reach the darkening horizon. Will there be a phone in that creepy old farmhouse at the other side of the maze? Unlikely if you ask me, but there's nowhere else to go, and that's what it is!

Okay, so this is just a walk simulator at the moment: no much of a real game, or challenge of any kind. We're working on that. As for now, the objective is to reach Creepy Old Farmhouse. (There's a secret sub-scene too, somewhere).

As often with webGL, performance is a bit of an issue. I might eventually move to EXE if this goes much further, but I still would like to have at least a workable browser demo. WebGL is great for demos methinks.

Cheers :D

Registered User
2022-12-14 01:15:22

oi hold on i forgot the screenshot:


Registered User
2022-12-14 05:29:14

looks nice!

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