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Missing Link Option

Registered User
2022-12-08 12:04:19

In my RCD directory tree within RC I have a file gps.html. I have a masterpage menu system and a link was missing. I then highlighted the menu and did a right click and selected insert hyperlink - selecting a page in the project - finding gps.html in the list after hitting the 3 dot symbol and click OK. The screen shows a blank entry on the URL line. Ok to close the window. Going back to the hyperlink option it now states Edit but the URL is still missing. Any ideas please.

Registered User
2022-12-08 12:22:03

Maybe it's superstition, but I have the impression that inserting a hyperlink sometimes doesn't work until you first switch back and forth between "website" and "page in the project". Just try this.

Registered User
2022-12-08 13:35:44

When this happens, what helps is to copy the target page, and delete the original one. Then link the copy. This usually works for me.

Registered User
2022-12-08 14:14:59

@ micaelo
@ erik

I used the copy option and that worked. It has happened before and I took the drastic option of re-creating a page from scratch. Thanks for your ideas.

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Feature Code
Link [url] [/url]
Bold [b]bold text[/b]
Image [img][/img]
Quote [quote]quoted text[/quote]
Code [code]source code[/code]



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