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Ambiera Forum > RocketCake

Registered User
2022-11-08 13:28:17

I have constructed a Gallery with about 40 images and I have used the 'imagetext' feature giving each a simple description. I noticed that I had a couple in the wrong order so I went to Properties and right clicked the imagefile that was in the wrong order and used the arrow UP to move it. Fine I thought but I then discovered that the imagetext didn't move with it. There are no arrows on the image text. It just required a simple edit but wondered if I was doing anything wrong.

Registered User
2022-11-08 18:06:21

No, you did nothing wrong. The image move up/down functionality came only with the last RC update. Of course, the text should move along with the image but that has apparently just been forgotten. A fix has already been announced.

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