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GUI-heavy games in CC

Registered User
2022-10-19 14:40:17

Think I posted this in the wrong forum earlier, so reposting:

I'd love some advice and discussion on what kinds of games make sense to create in Coppercube. I'm particularly thinking of a game that is largely menu-based--think sports simulations, blaseball, management sims, idle and clicker kinds of games. Does CC handle that much complex UI particularly well?

I can already tell I'll have to dig more into the js side or the huge amount of variables will get pretty unwieldy, but I think I can make that work. I wouldn't need the 3D strictly speaking, I'm just enjoying the clarity that the behavior/action visual scripting provides for someone new to code.

What's your experience with GUI-heavy games in CC?

2022-10-20 07:01:33

Registered User
2022-10-20 14:57:18

Oh wow, that's really cool!

I'm guessing there's basically no way I'd be able to do UI anywhere close to that without pure js tho, which is kinda what I'm trying to find out. I like CC so far, but purely because it's been the most intuitive (for me anyway) and powerful visual scripting I've found in an engine so far.

2022-10-20 16:43:59

Pretty sure you can make a similar UI to that, using variables and no coding.

What did you have in mind for your UI?

None of my projects use any coding and I feel that there's not too much that can't be accomplished with a bit of help, practice, and patience.

I think things like rag-doll physics and shaders would be difficult to do well without using javascript - but other than that, even a complex UI should be very straight-forward in Coppercube without coding.

2022-10-20 18:25:28

I cannot stress enough the importance of learning JavaScript. It's a skill that can follow you even after you've had your time with CC. Visual scripting will keep you perpetually dependent on the software you are using. Please learn to code.

2022-10-20 18:53:17

Agreed. It's definitely a good idea to learn javascript if you can - but that's also part of the beauty and appeal of Coppercube: in that it offers visual scripting as well, for those of us who can't learn to code and also offers a platform to hybrid visual and java code - best of both worlds. Not sure if you were responding to me or the OP but I think it depends on what you to use Coppercube for - as to whether or not you'd want to progress to learn coding or not. For me, it's just for fun, as a hobby. I suspect that if people were forced to lean to code, they'd probably move away from coppercube - I think the number one attraction to coppercube is it's ease of use with visual coding.

Personally, I wont be learning Java (beyond the occasional few lines of individual commands) because I have dyscalculia which makes it almost impossible for me to understand javascript logic - I have failed many times to learn various coding languages, but I can usually figure out a way to use the visual scripting for all I need and I enjoy Coppercube purely because it's not dependant on coding. I do agree with all you said though and I may try to learn Java Code again in the future but whenever the stress starts to outweigh the fun, it's just not worth it for me.

2022-10-20 19:42:44


I was not trying to imply anything negative about those who choose not to learn to code or cannot learn to code. You are a great proponent of CC's visual scripting abilities, VP. Unlike you, however, I am not. The fun for me was greatly reduced when I realized the sheer amount of behaviors/actions I had to juggle in order to do the most simple of things. That alongside with the copious amounts of menus you have to click through just doesn't make an enjoyable experience for me. In fact, I would say that if I didn't learn to code I would've abandoned CC. But I am above all a champion of freedom of choice and live by to each their own, so realize all this is just my opinion. You do wonderful work in CC, VP, code or not. Cheers.

2022-10-20 20:06:54

Thanks for your kind words Guest. Cheers man.

Registered User
2022-10-20 20:36:10


I doubt anything I'm thinking of is overly complicated necessarily, it's just the entire (or almost all) of the game would be expressed through the UI with a lot of changing variables and logic running the background, along with a few things like drop down selections where you can choose from a few available options based on the player's build. In more literal terms, what I'm trying to do is make a largely text only racing management game based on Star Wars Pod Racing where it's all about studying the stats of the players, their pods, the unique map traits, and having all these races simulated on top of the build options and other abilities within the control of the player.

Honestly, the thing that worried me most was trying to set up a fairly detailed AI logic to handle that and then encountering problems I've had on a smaller scale using the minimal coding methods, which is just stuff like--oh shoot, I set up a behavior with like ten different actions and now I realized I need to nest that behavior inside of some other "check against variable" function and now I have to redo the entire thing from the ground up, because there's no copy/paste for the actions, whereas with the js, it would be pretty simple to nest it or move it around. Stuff like that.


I largely agree with VP here just in the sense that--if I was gonna fully double down and learn the code ONLY, I would not be using CC. I like UE, I don't mind Unity, I love parts of Godot's interface, and if GameMaker wasn't so weird about the way they handle their accounts, I might be using that instead.

But I'm trying out CC because I really like the mix of visual script and JS. Even as little as I understand the coding, I'm still calling the occasional function in JS because it's just easier or cleaner. I just don't understand how it all fits together yet, and having the mix of code and visual scripting keeps me from complete despair, or having to come to a forum for every little problem. CC is the first engine I've ever used that I've been able to solve some of my own issues, as small as they may be.

2022-10-23 08:23:08

With the inbuilt behaviors it might go a bit time consuming, if you are comfortable with scripting I highly recommend you to go with javascript, so thata you can speed up the process.
but yeah it is possible to create a complete UI based game.

You should also checkout @Veganpete's card game thats also has great UI elements and plays very well.

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