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CC Fog

Registered User
2022-10-04 14:06:31

CopperCube's fog system will outline transparent objects, such as billboards and particle systems. Although it does not affect the game, it affects the game experience of players. I wonder if it can be repaired by some magic code?

2022-10-05 01:45:17

I recently noticed the same thing myself and not aware of any fix atm.

For when shooting a laser I am going to swap the existing transparent billboard for a 3d mesh circular object with high emissive glow.

For particle systems, yeah, unsure about that one. The only fog I use for particle systems is rain and snow which I haven't noticed seeing this issue as yet for that...will check again..

Registered User
2022-10-05 02:11:58

What is the swap the existing transparent billboard for a 3d mesh circular object with high emissive glow?

2022-10-05 02:53:37

would try using a sphere (3d mesh) and in the irrLicht properties adjust the emissive strength while as Dynamic lighting.

That should work but I just found some of the transparent textures I was using that was causing the issue above was due to having the color on the transparent texture go all the way to the edges and thus could be seen in fog. If you remove any color/texture from all edges should fix the problem then and you wont see the square edges then...

Registered User
2022-10-05 04:02:00

It should be copperlicht, right?

Registered User
2022-10-05 10:13:33

This thread made me think about my game Key Master it had the same problem..

but i found the solution if i use texture with transparent add the edges show. but if i use texture with transparent alpha channel the edges do not show..

2022-10-05 19:34:41

try using just_in_case shaders thing with fog. I am not sure if it helps or not. but if you guys are talking about white seams around the edges of your object, then you can try changing the param1 to 0.7 or 0.5 in your irrlicht settings. or try to use "render order independently for plant and grass option"

2022-10-05 22:18:59

I use transparencies on 3D objects and 2D billboards (with fog) and no problems with outlines I've noticed so far. I disabled irrlicht "Biliniar filter 1" on some billboards which had texture bleeding though and also enabled the "plant fix" for any transparent materials that were glitchy due to alpha z rendering order.

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