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Mist——Liberate the hell like world in the mist

Registered User
2022-09-12 03:39:20

Hey, guys, remember the game the mist I showed you last month? Now it's done!
Retro style horror low polygon FPS game
One day, the evil god Hercule Gauss came to the world by the late nyaradotep and began to kill.

It hypnotizes human beings and then becomes its puppet. Those who cannot hypnotize will be killed by trees and vines.

The United Nations sent elite troops to try to kill Hercule Gauss, but they all became the puppets of Hercule Gauss.

A vagrant from the United States accidentally intruded into the territory of Hercule Gauss and was hypnotized. However, it was unexpectedly discovered that it was not controlled by Hercule Gauss, but had a powerful Thor power. Hercule Gauss returned to hell to recuperate after completing hypnotic killing in many countries. Taking advantage of this gap, the tramp started his massacre in the name of MistDumb

Game content:
Level composed of 7 small scenes

Including 4 kinds of enemies and one boss

Including 3 weapons acquired through normal process and 3 weapons acquired after discovering secrets

Including a Parkour scene

what is it?
This is my entry to "Do your best". It was developed in 29 days when I was not at school. Because of the tight time, it is very short and simple. Although the rules include not cloning, I still made a game similar to dusk or quake. However, I did not clone them, but referred to their style. Although it is short and simple, I like it very much. I enjoy the time in the process of developing it. The boss of the game is also made by me, and the game experience is very poor. The difficulty is relatively high. If you don't use the weapon that can be obtained only after discovering the secret, you can hardly kill it.


Registered User
2022-09-14 10:38:13

cool game bulletchain!

Registered User
2022-09-16 02:14:59

Great game bulletchain! The game run smooth, very good graphics and great and fun gameplay! good job and keep up!

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