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update on my game

Registered User
2022-08-24 16:00:49

added flying creatures to the my game Key Master recently only for atmosphere

2022-08-25 11:12:09

I don't want to sound rude, but it will be much better if you post updates to relative game threads, instead of opening new threads, as a moderator it is my job to maintain the forums.

It will also be beneficial for you too, imagine if someone read this thread then he has to search or crawl the forums to get to the original thread, to get the link to the game so it is much better if you will post updates of your game to original threads of your game rather than opening new threads.

hope you understand and will try to minimize the opening of new threads and post your updates for your games in the original thread.

Registered User
2022-08-25 11:47:15

its ok.. i just forgot to post the link..

some of my original threads by me are so big and hard to read in my opinion and there are sometimes post in from others that i dont like I would not like to bump/add them to the top thread some of them .. just my opinion

2022-08-25 12:04:49

I still recommend you to post updates to original threads, you can always edit your first post in original thread with latest update in bold letter so that whenever user open that thread it won't be hard to read the details.

for example see the thirdperson controller by smnmhmdy, it is a big thread but whenever he post an update he edits and update the first thread and post the changelog there as well.

it will still bring your thread on top in the section so won't be an issue there. but creating new threads everytime you make an update or change is not a good practice.

hope you will try to post in the original thread, not in other way by creating new post with the link.

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