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This post has a request for JustInCase

Registered User
2022-07-31 14:38:36

JustInCase, I think my Spherical Worlds topic got buried by other threads, wanted to know what you meant about rotating a planet and how I would implement player WASD movement and how rotating the planet through input would be controlled and affect where the TPS/FPS camera is on the planet.

Registered User
2022-07-31 14:43:10

And I forgot to mention that I would like to set it up so each section has Y up/down gravity...

2022-07-31 17:05:33

You don't need to move the player with WASD, movement. Instead you can rotate the planet on with WASD which will simulate as if the player is walking on the planet, and once you have selected the desired section or area to play you can simply Scale the planet up and scale the player down and switch either switch to a different camera.
If you want you can also use 2 Different player models, it is fairly easy to setup, not that hard, there was a similar demo posted by @jaimezegpi around 2014-2015 in which anime character "Goku" walks over a planet. unfortunately I lost that file in a ransomware attack otherwise I would have sent it to you. But it is not that hard.

If I will get enough time, I will prepare a sample ccb file for you to understand how to create a player walking over a planet or maybe I am misunderstanding what you exactly want, If you can point me to a video that shows what you are requesting then I can provide better help to you.

Registered User
2022-07-31 18:16:42

Here is a video of what I wanting to do, it shows how the player would be moving across the terrain, except I actually prefer a TPS controller setup.
It's the no mans sky trailer from 2014 on youtube..

Of course one person like me won't be able to accomplish something so vast as hundreds or even thousands of planets.
I was just mainly hoping to create a few planets at smaller scales, like worlds in a couple of solar systems...But mainly the challenge for me has been creating the TPS controller while the player is on the ground traveling to different places in a massive environment, and still making the world(s) seem vast and huge. Iooked up geodesic domes on wikipedia, and that is how they implement this in Unreal Engine. So I'm hoping to create a small version of something like this in CC.

Registered User
2022-08-01 14:43:41

I think the spheroid setup was far more simple of a solution than I orginally thought it would be...
I started experimenting with rotating the sphere through WASD input and was pleased that it for the most part worked for me right away:) I have the illusion set up that the player character is moving across a planetary terrain!
Thank You, JustInCase:)

2022-08-02 08:14:18

Glad that the rotating sphere is working for you :)

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