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directly hit, no bullet shoot action

Registered User
2022-07-25 16:17:14

would be nice if you could set the damage range on shoot action with "directly hit, no bullet" around a object not just in front of it as i believe it is..maybe its possible somehow i dont know.

would simplify alot with a feature im making

Registered User
2022-07-25 20:05:09

Registered User
2022-07-26 10:51:30

instead of making a bomb i made a device that shoots in all direction.

I could not figure out how to make a on proximity of explotion affect all clones

if anyone knows how please share.

I tried putting on proximity with explosion on the original clone but i could not change the health because i could not use ccbGetCurrentNode it would get the explosion node

anyone know how i can get the clone node name when in proximity of explotion?

2022-07-26 12:13:08

There is already a range option for directly hit no bullet, what you can do is you can create multiple shoot action with different range and different damage.

for example one with 100 as range and 1 as damage and one with 200 as range and 1 as damage, so what it will do is it will give 2 damage if the enemy is in 100 range, and will give 1 damage if enemy is in range between 100-200. You can add as many shoot action as you want.

Also, you don't need proximities, as the shoot action will already affect all the objects that have AI and health behavior attached to them

2022-07-26 12:28:55

If you do want to use the proximity of a bomb to affect all character clones, simply add the "on proximity" event to the clone, not to the bomb.

The "on proximity to bomb" event will also be cloned with any new characters.

Another way to do it is by using "game character behaviour" and set the "attack who" flags. So even though they are clones, they have a common enemy (the bomb) - you can then use the "on activate" radius to trigger an action.

I used this method for a spaceship to beam-up clones of survivors in one of my games.

Registered User
2022-07-26 13:43:15

thanks for help.. I tried again making explotion with directly hit shoot action and it worked .. it was not working the first time i created that.

I made 4 shoot action in 4 direction if anyone like to know. to get the explosion effect

Registered User
2022-07-27 00:55:15

Hang on, does the "Direct hit no Bullet" option affect all AI in range or in a specific directio?

Registered User
2022-07-27 08:59:40

I believe the "direct hit no bullet affects All ai in front of attack

Registered User
2022-07-27 10:22:59

i could not get it work properly the explosion with the direct hit no bullet option.. so i made a spinn shoot in all direction

Registered User
2022-07-28 19:37:14

Ooh that's a nice idea...

Registered User
2022-07-29 09:19:59

I changed it again to explosion effect :) i used calc the distance from the bomb vs orcs.

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