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Zombie shooter 2000

Registered User
2022-06-14 09:44:11


This is a demo of the game I've been working for the last couple of months.

It's an arena shooter, there you shoot zombies and buy guns.



Youtube demo (I'm really sorry for the video quality)

I don't think I'll be able to proceed working on in in the upcoming weeks (or months) so I just decided throw it away in the state as it is right now.

So I have the following:
- There are 4 different zombie types;
- There are 4 guns available to buy in a vending machine in the middle of the map;
- You get money for killing zombies;
- You need to survive 13 waves of enemies and a boss fight;

What I'm plannig but haven't done yet:
- Headshots;
- Secret weapons (or maybe there are some );
- More bosses;
- More weapon types (like shotguns, sniper rifle, granades);
- Percs (like crit hits, speed boost, etc);
- More main menu events;

It's ready by 80% I'd say. It combines entity interpolation for the players movement and events for stuff like shooting, taking damage, changing weapons, zombie attacks someone and etc. Currently, there are mostly no events related to game proccess(kill counts, wave start, etc) except the "spawn zombie" event, and totally no events related to the boss. The option is turned off right now (if I didn't forgot).

Anyway - please enjoy the game. If you have any ideas or balance suggestions, please let me know.

2022-06-14 15:42:59

This is nice FPS game, with great Wave system for the zombies, I got to play it for 5 waves until the fastest Zombie killed me. I found the death animation amazing for the zombies, Also there are a lot of variations, and with each wave, you start to get harder enemies.

I would like to have zombies slow down a bit or also have a hit effect (animation). Also, make it a bit harder for the player.
And maybe you should use fake vertical boundaries which players should not be able to climb, I was able to jump and reach to the inclination of the edge of the terrain where no Zombie can catch me and I can kill them easily.

I believe as this is still the beta version and is just a prototype, that won't be an issue, As you have already mentioned some of your plans for the game, it seems that you already know its and bits of your game. So I will be looking forward to the final game with multiplayer enabled. :)

Registered User
2022-06-14 16:11:08

Very nice game.
i like the guns and zombie models also audio.

AI or map needs some work but still looks nice ( if i circle around the map then i can make all 30 zombies to be 1 huge target)

Registered User
2022-06-14 17:20:53

Thank you.

Though, assets are not made by me - mostly taken from gameguru, fps creator open source and freesound:) The full attribution list is in the credits.txt file included inside the zip.

Special thanks for the feedback.

There are actually transparent walls around the level, probably, they are just not close enough to the center:) Also there is a transparent cube around the vending machine.

I tried to fix zombie stacking by randomizing 'moveto' coordinates a bit - this also helps with avoiding the trees - but I don't think it works completely as intended. I guess I need to modify the AI somehow.

Registered User
2022-06-14 17:30:13

I think this is a really nice zombie shooter.. well done!

i like the zombie models, guns models and terrain the gameplay is also nice and classic.

i got to level 4 after few tries I will definitely open it up again

its a little hard seeing the crosshair its so dark colored.

Registered User
2022-06-14 23:15:05

This game is very good, I liked the gun with hand and the reload!

How suggestion, the map could be more dark, maybe in the night or some houses!

Keep doing this excellent job!

Registered User
2022-06-15 10:17:33

That was fun! Solid gameplay here. I liked the zombie variety and their zombie moans -- and the hillbilly intro music too! I didn't make it to the boss yet (nor to the seventh wave tbh!).
It's a bit of a pity that you're using the default environment. Idk if you're planning to change it... i think just a couple of tweaks, like a red or greenish sky and leafless trees will give it a much more distinct appearance. And fog! Fog would work great in this game methinks.
Hope you'll be back at it soon!
Jeez I love fog.

Registered User
2022-06-15 11:38:45

Thanks for more feedback!

I would love to redo all visuals to tell the truth:) My issues are: I lack time and I lack skill in 3d modelling. Building the base game to the state it is now took me almost 3 months. And I'm only using pre-existing assets - I didn't done a single model or sound myself (even though I've done some editing). Assets credits list is in the credits.txt file along with the game exe.

It would be cool to add multiple levels with a more complex geometry, but I also need to add a more complex AI in this case. Introduce path finding, make sure mobs do not attack through walls and etc. I'm not telling it's not doable or that I won't try, but it seems like a pretty complex task:) And I managed to fail even with the current AI since zombies are currently stacking a lot:)

I mean, when I started to make the game, my goal was to learn coppercube and probably implement some multiplayer. But at some point I started to like the gameplay, so goals have changes - multiplayer functionality is actually left behind.

@just_in_case @sven @coa @andgameplay @angstloch

Do you think the game is currently to hard? I mean this is something that I can easily fix, since it's only adjusting a couple of variables.
Could you please tell your thoughts on what should be done exactly:

- Less zombies in waves
- Zombies do less damage
- Weapons do more damage
- Killing a zombie gives more money
- Zombies should be slowed down
- something else?

I'll attach current charts to the next post to give you a reference.

Registered User
2022-06-15 11:49:04

this.wavesData = [
count: 5
count: 10,
slowCount: 1
count: 15,
slowCount: 2
count: 15,
slowCount: 2,
runnersCount: 3
count: 10,
slowCount: 2,
runnersCount: 10
count: 30
ninjasCount: 20
count: 25,
slowCount: 5,
ninjasCount: 5,
runnersCount: 5
runnersCount: 20
runnersCount: 15,
ninjasCount: 15
count: 40
slowCount: 5,
runnersCount: 25
slowCount: 15,
runnersCount: 15,
ninjasCount: 15
boss: 1

'0': {
nodeName: 'hud_at9mm',
weaponCoolDown: 300, // interval between shots
maxCapacity: 17,
maxStock: 340,
targetReloadTime: 1975, // reload animation time ms
targetSelectTime: 1550, // select animation time ms
targetPutawayTime: 1150, // put away animation time ms
automatic: false,
slot: 2,
name: 'at9mm',
currentCapacity: 17,
currentStock: 0,
oneHand: true,
damage: 10 // base damage
'1': {
nodeName: 'hud_mp5k',
weaponCoolDown: 150,
maxCapacity: 30,
maxStock: 300,
targetReloadTime: 2200,
targetSelectTime: 1550,
targetPutawayTime: 1150,
automatic: true,
slot: 1,
name: 'mp5k',
currentCapacity: 30,
currentStock: 0,
oneHand: false,
damage: 10
'2': {
nodeName: 'hud_g3',
weaponCoolDown: 170,
maxCapacity: 40,
maxStock: 320,
targetReloadTime: 5400,
targetSelectTime: 1900,
targetPutawayTime: 1150,
automatic: true,
slot: 1,
name: 'g3',
currentCapacity: 40,
currentStock: 0,
oneHand: false,
damage: 15
'3': {
nodeName: 'hud_ingram',
weaponCoolDown: 100,
maxCapacity: 30,
maxStock: 300,
targetReloadTime: 3950,
targetSelectTime: 1850,
targetPutawayTime: 1150,
automatic: true,
slot: 1,
name: 'ingram',
currentCapacity: 30,
currentStock: 0,
oneHand: false,
damage: 8
'4': {
nodeName: 'hud_lmg23',
weaponCoolDown: 150,
maxCapacity: 100,
maxStock: 300,
targetReloadTime: 3850,
targetSelectTime: 1900,
targetPutawayTime: 1150,
automatic: true,
slot: 1,
name: 'lmg23',
currentCapacity: 100,
currentStock: 0,
oneHand: false,
damage: 16

Zombies do base + addional damage
base damage is:
6 for regular zombies and stealth zombies
12 for runners (the faster one with yellow eyes)
20 for slow zombies

additional is from 0 to 4 random value

Once again, thanks for your feedback!

Registered User
2022-06-16 17:21:16

i think the balance i pretty good its challenging

2022-06-16 20:06:58

I burp your game.

Registered User
2022-06-16 20:32:26

Game isnt hard .. amount of zombies is good.

Headshot and random damage to the zombies by bullet would be nice. ( so i dont need to shoot 10 bullets to each zombie but maybe can get work done with 3 or 5 sometimes)

Player can move very fast.. maybe moving backwards should be slower than moving forward ( so player cant run backwards and just shoot at zombies who follows so easily)

Registered User
2022-06-17 17:19:45

Hi okeoke, I think the game is challenging, but it is good, zoombie games usually is hard to play, and I agree with sven about the tips. The game is very good!

2022-07-20 07:55:04

And someone stole it and selling it on, If that one is not your account, you should immediately report it, here is the link to the page that is selling this game.

Registered User
2022-07-20 16:26:39

Lol. This is how piracy kills the indie game development:)
Thank you, I'll issue a report.

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