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Tutorials and whatnot

Registered User
2022-05-07 13:43:10

It seems that there isn't a lot in the way of documentation when it comes to some of the available add ons. A step by step guide on how to do a few things would be great, the basics. Videos an be hard to follow at times. Some of them have decent how tos, but a lot of them don't. I can speak for everyone trying to learn Coppercube, but it can be very frustrating.

Maybe it's just me but it kind of feels like, "hey, here's a plug in, now figure out how to use it."

Like I said, basics on add-ons would be helpful.

2022-05-07 13:51:10

That is why I post step-by-step videos of my shaders and plugins lately and try to cover all the info that is required. Yeah, older plugins and addons might not have video tutorials or text tutorials, but you will find usage instructions inside the script. I am talking about extensions written by me. If you are using extensions that have the name:- VAZAHAT or JUST_IN_CASE
in them.
then feel free to contact me and I will try to provide you with usage instructions.

There are some old text tutorials on my website as well, but they don't cover the addons instead they guide you on how to do some stuff in CC.

Registered User
2022-05-08 00:17:54

Your videos are an exception. The few I've watched have been helpful. I guess my point is, some people learn best off of videos, I do to a certain extent, but for those who have issue with attention span, text with or without images stock in their heads better. Ideally ,a "Dummies Guide to CC"

Registered User
2022-05-08 15:33:31

To clarify, I'm one of those dummies.

Registered User
2022-05-09 21:32:10

That is why I post step-by-step videos of my shaders and plugins lately and try to cover all the info that is required. Yeah, older plugins and addons might not have video tutorials or text tutorials, but you will find usage instructions inside the script. I am talking about extensions written by me. If you are using extensions that have the name:- VAZAHAT or JUST_IN_CASE
in them.
then feel free to contact me and I will try to provide you with usage instructions.

There are some old text tutorials on my website as well, but they don't cover the addons instead they guide you on how to do some stuff in CC.

I'm going to rewatch them.

Registered User
2022-05-11 03:13:40

On the topic of A CopperCube book for dummies, I am an English major who has written a 70 page story before, It has been my mind for about 6 months now to start writing a comprehensive non-coding/coding guide to CopperCube 6.x.
After I finish my first game demo, by my birthday (6 months from now) that is what I will turn my attention to.
I want to call it: "CopperCube 6 Game Design: Everything You Want to Know About The Little (BIG) Engine that Could".
I am currently working on creating an openworld terrain system with L3DT, and some other AI stuff..

2022-05-11 03:28:45

if you create an index or outline for the book and post it here.
then we, the other users can see if there is code and image stuff and topics where we can contribute.

I will join the effort where possible,


Douwe Dabbe

2022-05-11 06:35:20

@onceforloops, that would be great to have a newbie guide(book) for CC. but it won't be an easy task to cover external plugins, as there are so many different plugins available. I suggest you cover the inbuilt one in detail, that will give explain everything and if possible try to include the external plugins too.

as @DouweDabbe has said, let us know if we can contribute with code or image stuff for your book :)

Registered User
2022-05-11 14:11:49

I feel inspired too. I may have to write a few dumbed down tutorials. I've written SOP (system of process) for brewery and distillery operations before and those were dumbed down and easy to follow. But first, I'm going to rewatch some of those tutorials

Registered User
2022-05-12 01:18:55

Thanks for the feedback:) Tonight, I will start working on the outline.

2022-05-25 03:19:38

Lets see what the "community" thinks about this:

My Outline for a help document with a Chapter on 2D Games

section 1 - the most important 2D Nodes

Eye Candy Nodes:
2D Overlays
Vertical Billboards -----> add 1 page
Lights -------------------------> add 2 pages ?
Particles --------------------> add 3 pages ?

Control Nodes:
Cubes as collision boxes
Paths ---------------------> add 3 pages

section 2 - the action and behavior plugins

Control plugins: -------------------> add 1(maybe more) page for each
2d camera
Camera Zoom By MouseWheel
Detect Swipes and Gestures

Texture handling plugins:
Load Texture
Animate Dynamic Loaded Textures
8dir character

Effects plugins:
Text Animation
Edit box
Editable Text Overlay

section 3 - the Sample Games / apps ------>add 2/3 pages for each
Sonic - ???
SunnyLand - Just_In_Case old Neophyte
Screensaver - Just_In_Case old Neophyte
and some (3 to 5) more at - Just_In_Case old Neophyte
Flappybird - Just_In_Case new Neophyte
2D Jump and Run - Just_In_Case old Neophyte
Simple Menu Template - Areibma
JurasicPark - Delso

All this ofcourse with full credit where credit is due and known.

I know its not perfect. but for a start it may work to get this going. Do you see an omission then please add it below.

Also if you have written some notes or comments or snippets or methodologies - but not: "js code",
of the right method of doing things, or why this thing must come first before this or that can be done.
Then Please Add That Here Below.
Because everybody agrees there is to little documentation.

Also, English is not my first language so I / we need an editor who read the stuff and does spelling and style corrections.
And scraps as much as possible to get an compact well written document with the essentials.
Also This is a bit of much work so if we can come up with some sort of template document how and what to describe.
Then, that too would help a lot as it enables us to devide the project up in small parts over those who want to contribute.

Dont feel ashaded of your stuff, the biggest fool am I, I spend years on this forum and never released any working game or code. It is the Noobs that need this most and also can contribute the most as they stumble always and everywhere into the odd world off Nodes, Meshes and other thingies in the Coppercube Universum.

So please add your stuff.
Thank You so much.

Registered User
2022-05-25 03:58:14

Chapter 1

-What is CC?
-Brief history of the CC Game Engine
-What can be Created With CC?

Chapter 2

A Guide to the Editor

-User Interface (We Describe What Buttons Are Used For
What Purpose)
-Properties Editor
-Animated Meshes Editor
-(Other Buttons/Menus etc)

Chapter 3

-Creating Graphics for Your Game

-Where to Create/Acquire Graphics
-Importing Textures
-Importing Static Meshes
-Importing Animated Meshes
.***-Tutorial on Creating and Animating Characters In Mixamo
-Putting together a 2D Scene
-Putting together a 3D Scene

Creating Game Logic/Visual Programming For Coppercube

(Not every single action btw)
(Not every Behavior Either)

-Chapter 4
Brief Intro to Javascript

Chapter 5 Game Demo Walkthroughs/Tutorials

-Top Down Shooter
-Inspiration for Other Game Possibilties

Chapter 6
-Wrapping Up
-Where to Find Help For Your Game Online

2022-05-25 05:48:16

Hi OnceForLoops

I Like your idea about game types:
- Sidescroller
- Top Down Shooter
- TurnBased
- Strategy
- etc

Then, there are things in the editor that I have never used, such as:
- Polygon editing - never worked for me
- Light Mapping
- special lighting tricks at scene root, irrlicht properties and shaders.
- Menu Tools -> Test as ... what is the difference with normal app generation ?

About JavaScript:
There are some really good books on older javascript
(appropiate for Coppercube with its older SpideMonkey JS engine).
You can find a ton of them on archive org such as
JavaScriptBible; 2000 pages;
every object with its properties is explained with some detail
and code samples with a lot of html so usefull for webGL and convenient to see in the browser what is going on.

Thats why I like to skip this difficult subject,
but can instead concentrate on debugging js code.

1 - js code debugging with extra code:
- print() statements
- alert() statements
- object.toString()
- object.toCode()
- function.caller()
- function.trace()
- function ObjectInspector()
- try{} catch(err){} Error{} mechanism

2 - debugging with a code editor
VSCode / Notepad++ and JSLint
there are many editors, with many plugins, even a list of the subject cant be possibly complete.

3 - debugging in a browser
Firefox firebug / dragonfly etc.
Chrome Dev Tools
I think, this is different from coppercube because you work directly against the CopperLight engine.
Also modern browsers support js6 while coppercube is js5, thats a big difference.

4 - debugging at some websites
Also mostly js6 and not for coppercube ?

5 - debugging with Node
Then there is an app called Node that can be used to debug.
With extra config settings, it may also accept CopperCube ccb functions with js 5 specifics.

I dont know much about all these tools, so probably best to stick to
section 1 - debugging js code with extra js code

The history of coppercube is for Niko.

Over to OnceForLoops ...

Registered User
2022-11-15 23:04:56

i like it! A bit late; WebGL could get a bit more traction...

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