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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
  Title Posts Last Post
Is their any way to get video playback on games exported tovMac & Android? 3 Guest (Guest)
2023-07-25 17:29:45
How to make DOOM fps camera & movement (NO mouse) controls? 4 VP (Guest)
2023-07-25 07:37:29
puzzle games 2 Guest (Guest)
2023-07-25 05:32:07
Player apparently is alive but dead 7 Guest (Guest)
2023-07-24 04:41:11
So something randomly changes position and it will randomly choose a position on a line 1 spicymilk
2023-07-24 01:13:03
Is anybody is good at level design and could Help me 3 dev
2023-07-23 23:00:34
Ammo 1 Des (Guest)
2023-07-23 21:44:12
do you have to play the spiltscreen on same computer? 1 edwin123
2023-07-23 01:24:39
Problem when creating a transparent 2D overlay! 7 shadynl
2023-07-22 19:43:17
ccbEmulateKey - shift key emulation doesn't work with 5 okeoke
2023-07-22 19:13:32
what do i call the mouse 1 button? 1 edwin123
2023-07-22 00:30:13
Enable/Disable Fog 5 shadynl
2023-07-21 18:17:23
editor has a bug for me 3 edwin123
2023-07-21 18:08:13
Blur on other objects 3 Monks (Guest)
2023-07-21 16:25:36
shooting an abject with physics 3 dev
2023-07-21 14:45:52
Calculating and keeping track of covered area 21 luposian
2023-07-20 09:40:02
Incorrect texture 6 okeoke
2023-07-19 22:28:32
2023-07-18 19:22:03
copy scene 4 aahil
2023-07-18 14:44:02
Transparent Scene possible for WebGL? 6 aahil
2023-07-18 14:41:44
Enemy in waves 1 Sikes (Guest)
2023-07-18 03:05:24
Cloned enemies 5 Monks (Guest)
2023-07-18 02:52:16
Animations and textures 1 Guest5 (Guest)
2023-07-17 21:37:33
So I have this game and I need a system so that the gamewill randomly pick a track peice to put in front of the player 2 veganpete
2023-07-17 07:56:22
Just bought CopperCube - a question about the camera 9 Chris (Guest)
2023-07-16 15:12:00
Enemy Ai 5 Guest (Guest)
2023-07-14 23:06:51
popup text??? 6 evils_phoenix
2023-07-14 22:23:15
rts unit movement 1 Guest (Guest)
2023-07-13 21:04:00
Endless shooter 6 Sikes (Guest)
2023-07-13 08:49:05
When I change the resolution all of my 2d overlays move is there anyway to lock them? 5 SamGrady (Guest)
2023-07-13 05:17:06

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