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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > CopperCube Open discussion

2018-01-31 10:05:16

We have not had a good update since the middle of 2017. I have noticed that the forums seem less active and I am sure that it is because of this reason. You wrote that stable releases are more important then updates but the internet is not used to this. We want instant gratification. I personally have hit the roof with coppercube and I want to experiment with new features.

I am not fully satisfied right now and bored. I am a hobbiest, really need to remember that not all people are going for the commercial product

2018-02-01 04:18:28

Agreed.... I think some alpha or beta releases... Will be good... It will satisfy the users...

2018-02-01 04:38:09

Alpha or Beta releases would actually be an idea, haven't thought of that.

Registered User
2018-02-01 07:17:09

It'd be a good idea, if I were to be honest with you! I don't like the infrequent updates which CC seems to get. I know I probably sound bitter by saying that, but I just like new features! haha.

By the way: how would you distribute it for those who have the Steam version? I can't imagine it'd be easy to do. I think you could make them time-limited portable versions which would be self-contained (quite similar to the old Windows betas which had what people call "timebombs" in where they stop working after a set amount of time).

Registered User
2018-02-01 14:59:23

By the way: how would you distribute it for those who have the Steam version? I can't imagine it'd be easy to do.

In case it would be a free update for V5, niko can setup a beta channel that we can use to pop in and out from the beta. In case niko want to restrict access, can share beta keys to selected people that we need to enter to join the beta channel but maybe he can also do it manually in Steam to grant access to the beta channel only to selected steam users.
Not sure about that.

In case it would be the new V6 that require a new license, niko can release it as an Early Access title. It would make no difference, we need to buy it as usual but it is no finished yet, it is Early Access...

In case niko don't want to charge money before it finished and would want to make it available the beta for free, can make the Early Access free then switch to paid when it done. In case niko want to make it available for free only to v5 users, I guess can be flagged as DLC of V5 for the time of the beta so we need V5 to be able to install the beta for free.
Can also release on steam as not available to the public and simply offer a steam key only to people who own V5 on steam.

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