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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
Request for a enhancement or feature...

2018-01-12 12:30:52

Ummm Rotation... Current rotation settings for action rotate an object using absolute rotation is a bit okay.... But i think it can be enhanced further... Or can be better...

By simply adding a functionality to rotate specific axis only...

For example if am rotating using absolute rotation and i want rotation of x-axis only ... Say 90 degree...

i have to put it as (90,0,0) in the rotation box..

It works perfectly if the object is at (0,0,0) rotation but it is bad or u can say absolute rotation is of no use if your object doesn't have (0,0,0) rotation...

And in general while playing a game there are 99% chances that your object doesn't have (0,0,0) rotation ...

Suppose my character has this rotation (20,80,0)

Now the problem is that if you want to change the absolute rotation of the x axis then the rotation of other axis will also change...

Thats why am requesting a feature which makes us able to rotate an axis indepently using absolute rotation...

If there will be option to change rotation of specific axis in absoulute rotation behavior... It will be so usefulll... Otherwise the behavior for absolute rotation is useless...

2018-01-14 05:08:24

True, would also be a nice to have. Added to the list.

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