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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
A suggestion regarding textures and reloading meshes

Registered User
2018-01-12 11:41:23

So, I have a terrain mesh which has lots of transparent alpha trees on it and I have to frequently fix the mesh in Blender and re-export all the time and reload the mesh in my project file to reflect on what I fixed / changed.

well, the issue is every time I reload the mesh I have to painstakingly go in and set the trees up again so they use alpha channels... Very annoying!

It'd be nice to see something which makes CC remember "This texture is set to "Alpha channel (Add). Preserve that setting for when the user reloads the mesh.)".

2018-01-14 05:07:30

You are right, that would be nice. For now, you could fix this with a quick editor script at least.

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