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FPS for animated characters.

Registered User
2017-12-23 03:29:00

I´m making some test for a Third-person shooter for android, with a lot of enemies... I know on this target we have limited resources (processor).


I use 3DS MAX to animate my characters so...

For a Coppercube APK (for Android) ¿is better to animate my original character at 30 fps or.....

is better to animate at low FPS like 10 fps (as example) and later use the interpolation on Coppercube?

Which of this options is better to use less CPU cycles by character on Android?

Just to take on consideration that it is desirable to have the more enemies possible on the game.

Is that possible..? or is not efficient? ... some ideas... ? ..

2017-12-23 14:23:01

Well the amount of frames really doesent matter so much this day and age, as long as it's not enormous, and by default when exporting to android, coppercube reduces the fps anyways.

I wouldn't just do keyframes especially if you use nodes attached to joints as they don't align well even with high frames.

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