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Duplicating scenes??

Registered User
2017-10-10 00:55:15

So is it possbile to duplicate a scene so that I dont have to keep setting up my player and enemies for every scene/level?

Registered User
2017-10-10 01:26:16

What I did was make a template scene with all the nodes needed for all levels, save it as its own ccb and import that template each time. and Remove what isn't needed. Either that or making a custom prefab for the whole scene.

Registered User
2017-10-10 01:35:44

I was thinking about that, I didnt know if that would mess up my game. With the prefab, How would you be able to create a prefab of your player with all the behaviors attached? or is that even possbile

Registered User
2017-10-10 02:26:13

Prefabs do contain all the behaviors/actions that are applied to the nodes, so no additional changes necessary. Just keep in mind that if if the node references a node that is not in (For example if it shoots a bullet node and no bullet node) then the shoot action will be blank. But assuming all is included then behaviors and actions should translate

Registered User
2017-10-10 02:29:29

awesome thanks, one more question and I'll be done bothering people on here. Whats the dynamic loading script to load up the different files? i know niko posted it at one time when he released V5.6 but cant seem to find it.

Registered User
2017-10-10 02:33:14

Nevermind I found it

If your game uses a lot of data like textures / sounds / scenes etc, CopperCube now makes it easy to do this as well: You can now dynamically load levels and scenes at runtime. There is now a scripting function named 'ccbSwitchToCCBFile()', which when invoked will wipe the memory and load/start that new file. This makes it possible to split your game up easily into multiple files. Works for Windows .exe and MacOS apps.

in case someone in the future looks at this

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