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Why does Node positions in Webgl and android target....

2017-10-03 17:38:26

Why does the position of Scenenodes in Webgl and android target are slightly changed...they are not accurate...

i have an action attached to my node execute javascript in which ...
for example if the scenenode's position is equal to the given position say
(-70, 1.15, 70) then change the position of scene node to something else say (120, 1.15, -120)...else change the Position to (0,0,0)

this is working fine in windows target...

But for Android and Webgl... condition never gets fullfilled...
to debug the problem....

i draw the position of the scenenode on a 2d overlay on every 1000 Ms..

and i found that its shows position as (-70,1.15,70) Accurate positions on windows target...

but when i tested the Same project on webgl target it shows me position (-70,1.14999.....,70) which means on webgl target the condition can never gets fullfilled.. as the position after the decimal is not accurate...

don't know why this happens....

2017-10-06 08:09:08

That's a floating point problem. This happens, you just have to live with it: Calculations in floating point space are never that exact. For checking a position, you usually don't check if

x == 12.0

but better

x > 11.999 && x < 12.001

for example.

The windows target uses a bit higher floating point precision, so you won't see it that often or early.

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