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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
Simple Camera doesn't render the Scene in Webgl and Android target..

2017-10-02 08:29:05

I have created a board game... and i have attached a simple camera...

when i test the game as an exe it works correctly but when i test the game as webgl or android...
nothing renders on the screen...

I tried messing up and found a bug with the simple camera..

the thing is that when the Target X and Z postion of the simple Camera are is at 0(zero), it doesn't render the scene if the values are not zero. the scene will get rendered....

But my game was setup up in such positions that i need my camera target to be at (0,110,0) and the problem is that iweb gl and android target are not rendering the scene... at this position of camera target...of simple camera...

2017-10-02 12:36:56

Thanks, will take a look at this.
Maybe you could set it just a bit off, like set the position to (0.00001, 0,0 ), and see if this fixes the problem.

2017-10-02 13:25:15

Yes, thats whart am currently using.. chabged the target's x position to 0.1....
It rotated the scene but its working....

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