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2d animation

Registered User
2017-09-15 21:47:11

Hello, Niko. Could you help me please . I have a menu in game but how to make 2D animation( scratches, snow, etc.) that would frame was from 40 to 60. Don't want to do 1000 images to get 60 frames as all this will weigh very much. Niko is it possible to import a GIF, just have 1 developer on YouTube there is such a thing as a smooth 2D animations --- the minute 7.20 - flowing bubbles ( how to do this for 2D overlay ? ) I would be very grateful to you for helping me !!!

2017-09-16 06:23:55

You could probably use a 3D particle system for this? You can probably also force the particles into one plane by tweaking the emitters a bit.

Or alternatively, if you want to go with a video, you could use a video and play it back. You cannot stream it directly from youtube, but you'd need an own copy of it.

Registered User
2017-09-16 17:44:25

Yes, I could use a 3d system of particles, but I need to do so that the particles are in front, and that they would cover the 1st image. something like 2d of snow falling. A video, I would have used the same, but it's not supported in android. I noticed that in ccb the supported format is not only mpeg but also avi, it drives life.P.s I think I'll have to use on the frame 2d animation):

2017-09-16 18:58:15

U can use 2d overlays for that...

First of all you need to split the gif into png's or jpg's...

Then assign behavior/action [b] Animate a Texture[b/] and choose the png's or jgp's splitted from the gif...

Now test the game..

It will now animate the 2d overlay...

[B]Note:-[b/] Use only tranparent textures...

Hope that works for you...

Registered User
2017-09-16 20:56:57

figured out, thanks a lot!

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