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site not visible in google

Registered User
2017-08-05 11:57:27

I made a website with rocketcace and added it to the google search engine. If I search for my full url:, it is visible in google. If I only write pro3d in the search engine, nothing shows up at all (not in any of the first 10 pages and even later). It has been several weeks ago after submitting it to google.
It also did not show after I started an adwords campain.
So I must be doing something wrong here. Could somebody look at the html of the index html to see what happens?


Registered User
2017-08-05 13:01:50

It is recommended to put the text you want to be important, I guess in your case this is the big text, you need to put into a heading element. In RocketCake, this is on the second page of the elements, or using the Menu under Insert -> More -> Heading 1.

Apart from that, be sure that some website is linking to you. If nothing is linking to you, then google thinks your website is not very important, of course.

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