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How to rotate camera view using mouse

Registered User
2017-08-04 08:28:52

I have a third person game and you need to use the mouse to rotate the view. Is there a plugin or behavior for this?

Registered User
2017-08-04 13:10:35

Maybe the downloadable behavior "Third person shooter player"? Get it there:

Registered User
2017-08-05 13:15:38

thanks for your answer. The thing i need actually not third person shooter behavior, it's the parallax camera behavior. Know i would like to combine the parallax camera with the third person shooter behavior. I tried it but when i load the game, there is some error about the third person behavior. And i couldn't add that behavior to my current character for some reason so i tried it on a different character. It's work but my character can't turn left or right when i press A or D. now i can only move left or right when i moving the cursor and it's very annoying. And the last question: how can i make a character go left or right with A or D, not turn?

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