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Table - when row is deleted bottom row becomes higher

2017-07-27 16:02:03

When editing the tables, I can insert a new row and the table becomes bigger (higher) automatically. But, when I delete a row, the table does not shrink and the bottom row becomes double the size. This is more so in the editor window and less in the browser preview. However, if I delete more than one row, the other rows also start to appear higher.
It is as if the editor does not let the table height to shrink after deleting a row and this height is distributed to the remaining rows (in the browser). I tried to see if there was a height attribute but could not solve this.

2017-08-02 08:05:28

Yes, that's just how it works for now, the table size is fixed. I'll see if this can be adjusted a bit in a future update. Thanks for reporting!

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