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Bug report.

2017-07-20 01:25:49

some bugs to report. javascript:insertBuBCode('')

Sometimes, mac exports says :

"The application closed unexpectedly."
and then, just do not launch... (the app jump three times and bye bye) It happens randomly on old mac versions, 10/11.0... And sometimes onto more recent ones, like El Capitain... (The problem appeared onto a lot of exports, and on a lot of systems... Everything was exported from windows. I remember some "C -bus error" on the log... but it have to be investigate, it's so random. And actually, none of my mac friends have ever used one of my games without engines bugs... (problems with textures displays, screen displays, app not launching onto their mac only, onto their version of mac sometimes... etc))

Sometimes Web GL exports says :

There is a big problem of glitches, some stromboscopics gliterrings of textures onto some tablets/bowsers/... So half of the time, the web gl exports are just not working. (saw on galaxy tab, iPhones, Wiko... essentially tabs or phones because some texture deformations also appeared sometimes with mac).

I saw theses problems since more than two years so I guess some peoples already talk about it but it's problematic for any hope of distribution, and so on, of any professional use. It's time to fix.

Good luck debugging !

2017-07-21 04:54:06

Difficult to say what happend with that mac app, maybe you could send me a link and I'll have a look.

About webGL on mobile: A lot of mobile devices / browsers on them still have bugs in their WebGL implementations. Usually, it helps updating the the browser / operating system. Reporting the bug to the browser vendor also will help there.

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