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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Programming and Scripting
If a mesh have visible and collision turn off, is it still wasting ram ?

Registered User
2017-07-15 00:02:03

The basic version of coppercube only allows up to ten scene so I am seeing if I can squeeze as much level as I can in one scene.

If I have a WHOLE Level in a folder and have that folder's Visible set to false and turn off ALL Collisions of all the child inside the folder, would CopperCube not keep it in ram ?

Gosh it would be so nice if the folder node have not just the visible checkbox but the Collision as well.

2017-07-15 08:14:40

I think it will stay in ram untill you Delete it.. making it invisible will only disappear it from rendering on the screen... but it will stay in the scene...

Registered User
2017-07-16 21:17:47

Thank you just_in_case, you are really helpful :D

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