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mobile menu not working

Registered User
2017-07-13 12:52:14

Hi, I'm trying to use Rocketcake for the first time but the mobile menu doesn't seem to work. I did a super simple example at which is fine on a larger screen but on my mobile phone I just get the word menu and the down arrow, but the actual menu doesn't show when I try to access it?

Registered User
2017-07-13 13:02:48

In RocketCake, just make the view smaller (drag the slider on the bottom to the left, or select a mobile device from the drop down menu, like the iPhone 5), then you can see the mobile menu and edit it just like the normal menu.

Registered User
2017-07-13 13:26:51

Thanks for quick reply but it's still not clear ..
I've added normal screen menu links and different links to the mobile menu. But the mobile menu links are too long for the phone screen so I thought they might collapse under the menu+arrow but they don't? So should they and something is wrong or is it not possible to have more than say three links on a mobile menu? (

Registered User
2017-07-13 13:41:34

It'S supposed to be a drop down menu. In RocketCake, click the first entry (that one with the text "Menu") and fill the entries _below_ that one. Not the one next to it.

Registered User
2017-07-13 13:52:39

Excellent. I've got it now. This is a good little program.

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