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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
Dynamic Scene Import

Registered User
2017-07-07 18:26:16

Now we have great function "Dynamic Scene Load"

So, can i make dynamic load scene into my project scene?

For example:

I have Main project, it contains terrain, decorations and enemies.

And i have ccb file that contains Player model with camera and some behaviors.

Now i start my main project and i need import second ccb file into my main project dynamicly.

This need for Player setting to make updates (like weapon, interface etc.)
For now i can only delete and import my player with new settings for all my 15 scenes
That's really takes a very long time!

(That function like "Import" ccb in editor, but dynamicly)

2017-07-10 09:16:32

It's not like the import functionionality in CopperCube, it is just starting a new file. But yes, that would also be a nice new feature.

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