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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Help with CopperCube
I'm trying to make my bad guy plant inflict damage

Registered User
2017-06-19 20:23:23

I have a animated plant that is supposed to attack passers-by but it does nothing but sit there.

I have all the animation frames correctly added in the model animation editor and I added the game behavior where it stands there and does nothing (it can't patrol, it's a plant). How do I make it attack when a player or other good guy comes close to it?

It has a few attack animations as well as a death animation, so it's possible to kill it - how do I do that as well and trigger the death animation when appropriate?


2017-06-20 04:40:13

Use on proximity behaviour with the plant and the objects u want it to attack....
Whenever the object gets clpse to the tree execute the action... Change animation of a scene node... And select the tree and change its animation to attack from idle..

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