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Ambiera Forum > CopperCube > Feature requests and bug reports
Better Website

2017-05-11 16:24:24

1. Please can you create a profile page for your coppercube users that people can peruse...

2. I think the website needs a store for behaviors, plugins and scripts, 3D models not neccessery... I see that others have also posted about this.

3. Looking forward to see the shadows implemented... Fundimentaly, I think for coppercube to be a serious engine it needs:

i) sockets for multiplayer
ii) Microsoft hololens support
iii) Better shader + shadows + bloom
iv) Object gravity - although I could build this quite easily as a behavior using the current API
v) C++ API documentation
vi) UI builder
vii) IFRAME for all targets
viii) ability to extend the engine
ix) polygon based collision, not just square or circle
x) Set interval and Set timeout does not seem to work and should be fixed

Just my 2 cents...

Also, I would like to let you know that I am talking to all my friends about this engine, it has so much potential,,, I don't see this as the new Unreal or Cryengine, rather a lightweight engine to make stylized games for various devices.... Love it! Think that in a few years from now it could be the next Unity..has more potential then any other light weight engine that I have seen on the market.

But needs some work.

2017-05-13 08:27:26

Would be an idea. Thanks for the feedback!

What do you mean with IFRAME for all targets? The ability to include HTMLas UI, right?

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